run the below command in command prompt
tnsping Datasource
This should give a response like below
C:>tnsping *******
TNS Ping Utility for *** Windows: Version *** - Production on *****
Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Used parameter files: c:\oracle*****
Used **** to resolve the alias Attempting to contact (description=(address_list=(address=(protocol=tcp)(host=)(port=)))(connect_data=(server=)(service_name=)(failover_mode=(type=)(method=)(retries=)(delay=))))** OK (**** msec)
Add the text 'Datasource=' in beginning and credentials at the end. the final string should be
Data Source=(description=(address_list=(address=(protocol=tcp)(host=)(port=)))(connect_data=(server=)(service_name=)(failover_mode=(type=)(method=)(retries=)(delay=))));User Id=;Password=;**
Use this as the connection string to connect to oracle db.