Pyhton3: Most of the solutions listed previously work. However, there are instances when row_number of the dataframe is not required and the each row (record) has to be written individually.
The following method is useful in that case.
import csv
my file= 'C:\Users\John\Desktop\export_dataframe.csv'
records_to_save = data2 #used as in the thread.
colnames = list[records_to_save[0].keys()]
# remember colnames is a list of all keys. All values are written corresponding
# to the keys and "None" is specified in case of missing value
with open(myfile, 'w', newline="",encoding="utf-8") as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
for d in records_to_save:
writer.writerow([d.get(r, "None") for r in colnames])