It may help to think of an image as a "snapshot" of a container.
You can make images from a container (new "snapshots"), and you can also start new containers from an image (instantiate the "snapshot"). For example, you can instantiate a new container from a base image, run some commands in the container, and then "snapshot" that as a new image. Then you can instantiate 100 containers from that new image.
Other things to consider:
- An image is made of layers, and layers are snapshot "diffs"; when you push an image, only the "diff" is sent to the registry.
- A Dockerfile defines some commands on top of a base image, that creates new layers ("diffs") that result in a new image ("snapshot").
- Containers are always instantiated from images.
- Image tags are not just tags. They are the image's "full name" ("repository:tag"). If the same image has multiple names, it shows multiple times when doing
docker images