[ios] Automatic Preferred Max Layout Width is not available on iOS versions prior to 8.0

I opened an existing iOS project with Xcode6 beta6, and Xcode lists the following warning for both Storyboard and Xib files:

Automatic Preferred Max Layout Width is not available on iOS versions prior to 8.0

I tried addressing the warning by setting the width as explicit like below:

Yet this didn't resolve the warnings. How can they be removed?

This question is related to ios autolayout ios8 xcode6

The answer is

To summarize, for me following the two instructions above to change any instances where numberOfLines = 0 to 1 or greater, and manually adding preferredMaxLayoutWidth="0" to each instance of a label inside the storyboard source fixed all of my warnings.

Solution it's quite simple

Just enable Builds for iOS 8 and Later

enter image description here

Since I don't have a 50 reputation Stackoverflow wont let me comment on the second best answer. Found another trick for finding the culprit label in the Storyboard.

So once you know the id of the label, open your storyboard in a seperate tab with view controllers displayed and just do command F and command V and will take you straight to that label :)

You can fix this issue without opening the storyboard as a source. This warning is triggered by UILabels if numberOfLines !=1 and deployment target is < 8.0


  1. Go to Issue Navigator (CMD+8) and Select latest built with the warning enter image description here
  2. Locate the warning(s) (search for "Automatic Preferred Max Layout") and press expand button on the right
    enter image description here
  3. Find the Object ID of the UILabel enter image description here
  4. Open the Storyboard and SEARCH (CMD+f) for the object. It will SELECT AND HIGHLIGHT the UILabel
  5. Set Preferred Width = 0 "Explicit" as others suggested

I had this issue and was able to fix it by adding constraints to determine the max with for a label.

When dropping a multiline label in there is not constraint set to enforce the width inside the parent view. This is where the new PreferredMaxWidth comes into play. On iOS 7 and earlier you have to define the max width yourself. I simply added a 10px constraint to the left and right hand side of the label.

You can also add a <= width constraint which also fixes the issue.

So this is not actually a bug, you simply have to define the max width yourself. The explicit option mention in other answer will also work as you are setting this width value however you will have to modify this value if you want the max width to change based on the parent width (as you have explicitly set the width).

My above solution ensures the width is always maintained no matter how big the parent view is.

I got it working by selecting the original layout I had in the W / H selection. Storyboard is working as expected and the error is gone.

Be also sure that you are developing for iOS 8.0. Check that from the project's general settings.

This is where you should press.

To Find the problem label(s) in a large storyboard, follow my steps below.

  1. In xCode's Issue Navigator right click on the error and select "Reveal In Log". (Note: @Sam suggests below, look in xCode's report navigator. Also @Rivera notes in the comments that "As of Xcode 6.1.1, clicking on the warning will automatically open and highlight the conflicting label". I haven't tested this).

enter image description here

  1. This will show the error with a code at the end of your storyboard file. Copy the value after .storyboard

enter image description here

  1. Next, reveal your storyboard as source file. enter image description here

  2. Search. You should be able to tell what label it is from here quite easily by looking at the content. enter image description here

Once you find the label the solution that worked for me was to set the "preferred width" to 0.

enter image description here

BTW, you can always quickly get the id of an interface item by selecting the item and looking under the identify inspector. Very handy.

enter image description here

Now my Xcode version is 6.1. But I got this warning too. it annoys me a lot . after search again and again.I found the solution.

Reason:You must have set your UILabel Lines > 1 in your Storyboard.

Solution: set your UILabel Lines attribute to 1 in Storyboard. restart your Xcode. It works for me, hope it can help more people.

If you really need to show your words more than 1 line. you should do it in the code.

//the words will show in UILabel
NSString *testString = @"Today I wanna set the line to multiple lines. bla bla ......  Today I wanna set the line to multiple lines. bla bla ......"
[self.UserNameLabel setNumberOfLines:0];
self.UserNameLabel.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByWordWrapping;
UIFont *font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:12];
//Here I set the Label max width to 200, height to 60
CGSize size = CGSizeMake(200, 60);
CGRect labelRect = [testString boundingRectWithSize:size options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin attributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:font forKey:NSFontAttributeName] context:nil];
self.UserNameLabel.frame = CGRectMake(self.UserNameLabel.frame.origin.x, self.UserNameLabel.frame.origin.y, labelRect.size.width, labelRect.size.height);
self.UserNameLabel.text = testString;

For some reason, even if changing the iOS Deployment Target to 8.0 or higher, the Xib files don't adopt that change and remain with the previous settings in the File inspector

File inspector in the Xib after changing the iOS Deployment target

Therefore, you should change it manually for each Xib Afther the manual change

Once done, the warning will disappear :-)

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