[ios] UICollectionView Self Sizing Cells with Auto Layout

I did a dynamic cell height of collection view. Here is git hub repo.

And, dig out why preferredLayoutAttributesFittingAttributes is called more than once. Actually, it will be called at least 3 times.

The console log picture : enter image description here

1st preferredLayoutAttributesFittingAttributes:

(lldb) po layoutAttributes
<UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes: 0x7fa405c290e0> index path: (<NSIndexPath:    0xc000000000000016> 
{length = 2, path = 0 - 0}); frame = (15 12; 384 57.5); 

(lldb) po self.collectionView
<UICollectionView: 0x7fa40606c800; frame = (0 57.6667; 384 0);

The layoutAttributes.frame.size.height is current status 57.5.

2nd preferredLayoutAttributesFittingAttributes:

(lldb) po layoutAttributes
<UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes: 0x7fa405c16370> index path: (<NSIndexPath: 0xc000000000000016> 
{length = 2, path = 0 - 0}); frame = (15 12; 384 534.5); 

(lldb) po self.collectionView
<UICollectionView: 0x7fa40606c800; frame = (0 57.6667; 384 0);

The cell frame height changed to 534.5 as our expected. But, the collection view still zero height.

3rd preferredLayoutAttributesFittingAttributes:

(lldb) po layoutAttributes
<UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes: 0x7fa403d516a0> index path: (<NSIndexPath: 0xc000000000000016> 
{length = 2, path = 0 - 0}); frame = (15 12; 384 534.5); 

(lldb) po self.collectionView
<UICollectionView: 0x7fa40606c800; frame = (0 57.6667; 384 477);

You can see the collection view height was changed from 0 to 477.

The behavior is similar to handle scroll:

1. Before self-sizing cell

2. Validated self-sizing cell again after other cells recalculated.

3. Did changed self-sizing cell

At beginning, I thought this method only call once. So I coded as the following:

CGRect frame = layoutAttributes.frame;
frame.size.height = frame.size.height + self.collectionView.contentSize.height;
UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes* newAttributes = [layoutAttributes copy];
newAttributes.frame = frame;
return newAttributes;

This line:

frame.size.height = frame.size.height + self.collectionView.contentSize.height;

will cause system call infinite loop and App crash.

Any size changed, it will validate all cells' preferredLayoutAttributesFittingAttributes again and again until every cells' positions (i.e frames) are no more change.

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