With stringquery Package:
import qs from "stringquery";
const obj = qs("?status=APPROVED&page=1limit=20");
// > { limit: "10", page:"1", status:"APPROVED" }
With query-string Package:
import qs from "query-string";
const obj = qs.parse(this.props.location.search);
console.log(obj.param); // { limit: "10", page:"1", status:"APPROVED" }
No Package:
const convertToObject = (url) => {
const arr = url.slice(1).split(/&|=/); // remove the "?", "&" and "="
let params = {};
for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 2){
const key = arr[i], value = arr[i + 1];
params[key] = value ; // build the object = { limit: "10", page:"1", status:"APPROVED" }
return params;
const uri = this.props.location.search; // "?status=APPROVED&page=1&limit=20"
const obj = convertToObject(uri);
console.log(obj); // { limit: "10", page:"1", status:"APPROVED" }
// obj.status
// obj.page
// obj.limit
Hope that helps :)
Happy coding!