[reactjs] React Router Pass Param to Component

const rootEl = document.getElementById('root');

            <Route exact path="/">
                <MasterPage />
            <Route exact path="/details/:id" >
                <DetailsPage />

I am trying access the id in the DetailsPage component but it is not being accessible. I tried

<DetailsPage foo={this.props}/>

to pass parameters to the DetailsPage, but in vain.

export default class DetailsPage extends Component {
    constructor(props) {

    render() {
        return (
            <div className="page">
            <Header />
            <div id="mainContentContainer" >


So any idea how to pass the ID on to the DetailsPage ?

This question is related to reactjs react-router

The answer is

Use the component:

<Route exact path="/details/:id" component={DetailsPage} />

And you should be able to access the id using:


Inside the DetailsPage component

Since react-router v5.1 with hooks:

import { useParams } from 'react-router';

export default function DetailsPage() {
  const { id } = useParams();

See https://reacttraining.com/blog/react-router-v5-1/

Another solution is to use a state and lifecycle hooks in the routed component and a search statement in the to property of the <Link /> component. The search parameters can later be accessed via new URLSearchParams();

    pathname: this.props.match.url + '/' + foo,
    search: '?foo=' + foo
  }} />

<Route path="/details/:foo" component={DetailsPage}/>

export default class DetailsPage extends Component {

    state = {
        foo: ''

    componentDidMount () {

    componentDidUpdate() {

    parseQueryParams () {
        const query = new URLSearchParams(this.props.location.search);
        for (let param of query.entries()) {
            if (this.state.foo!== param[1]) {
                this.setState({foo: param[1]});

      render() {

In addition to Alexander Lunas answer ... If you want to add more than one argument just use:

<Route path="/details/:id/:title" component={DetailsPage}/>

export default class DetailsPage extends Component {
  render() {

Use render method:

<Route exact path="/details/:id" render={(props)=>{
    <DetailsPage id={props.match.params.id}/>
}} />

And you should be able to access the id using:


Inside the DetailsPage component

I used this to access the ID in my component:

<Route path="/details/:id" component={DetailsPage}/>

And in the detail component:

export default class DetailsPage extends Component {
  render() {

This will render any ID inside an h2, hope that helps someone.

if you are using class component, you are most likely to use GSerjo suggestion. Pass in the params via <Route> props to your target component:

exact path="/problem/:problemId" render={props => <ProblemPage {...props.match.params} />}

try this.

<Route exact path="/details/:id" render={(props)=>{return(
    <DetailsPage id={props.match.params.id}/>)
}} />

In details page try this...


Here's typescript version. works on "react-router-dom": "^4.3.1"

export const AppRouter: React.StatelessComponent = () => {
    return (
                <Route exact path="/problem/:problemId" render={props => <ProblemPage {...props.match.params} />} />
                <Route path="/" exact component={App} />

and component

export class ProblemPage extends React.Component<ProblemRouteTokens> {

    public render(): JSX.Element {
        return <div>{this.props.problemId}</div>;

where ProblemRouteTokens

export interface ProblemRouteTokens { problemId: string; }

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Examples related to react-router

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