I once put together this horrifying C++ code which used macros to help hook functions into the import table of DLLs.
#define ARGLIST(...) __VA_ARGS__
#define CPPTYPELESSARG(typelessParams) thisptr, typelessParams
#define CPPTYPEDARG(typedParams) void* thisptr, typedParams
#define CPPTYPELESSNOARG thisptr
#define CPPTYPEDNOARG void* thisptr
#define CPPHOOKBODY(hookName, params) void *thisptr; \
__asm { mov thisptr, ecx } \
return On##hookName ( params );
#define CHOOKBODY(hookName, typelessParams) return On##hookName( typelessParams );
#define CPPHOOK(InjectHookRef, importLib, importFunc, hookName, returnType, typedParams, typelessParams) \
HOOKIMPL(InjectHookRef, importLib, importFunc, hookName, returnType, CPPTYPEDARG(typedParams), typelessParams, \
typedParams, __thiscall, __stdcall, CPPHOOKBODY(hookName, CPPTYPELESSARG(typelessParams)))
#define CPPHOOKNOARG(InjectHookRef, importLib, importFunc, hookName, returnType, typedParams, typelessParams) \
HOOKIMPL(InjectHookRef, importLib, importFunc, hookName, returnType, CPPTYPEDNOARG, typelessParams, \
typedParams, __thiscall, __stdcall, CPPHOOKBODY(hookName, CPPTYPELESSNOARG))
#define CDECLHOOK(InjectHookRef, importLib, importFunc, hookName, returnType, typedParams, typelessParams) \
HOOKIMPL(InjectHookRef, importLib, importFunc, hookName, returnType, typedParams, typelessParams, \
typedParams, __cdecl, __cdecl, CHOOKBODY(hookName, typelessParams))
#define CDECLFUNC(name, address, returnType, args) \
typedef returnType (__cdecl *name##Ptr)(args); \
name##Ptr name = (name##Ptr) address;
#define CPPFUNC(name, address, returnType, args) \
typedef returnType (__thiscall *name##Ptr)(void* thisptr, args); \
name##Ptr name = (name##Ptr) address;
#define STDFUNC(name, address, returnType, args) \
typedef returnType (__stdcall *name##Ptr)(args); \
name##Ptr name = (name##Ptr) address;
#define STDHOOK(InjectHookRef, importLib, importFunc, hookName, returnType, typedParams, typelessParams) \
HOOKIMPL(InjectHookRef, importLib, importFunc, hookName, returnType, typedParams, typelessParams, \
typedParams, __stdcall, __stdcall, CHOOKBODY(hookName, ARGLIST(typelessParams)))
#define HOOKIMPL(InjectHookRef, importLib, importFunc, hookName, returnType, typedParams, typelessParams, hookParams, fnPtrCall, hookCall, hookBody) \
typedef returnType (fnPtrCall *##hookName##OrigPtr )( typedParams ); \
class hookName : public IHook \
{ \
public: \
typedef hookName##OrigPtr func_type; \
private: \
static void* m_origFunction; \
static bool m_bModifyImport; \
static std::string m_lib; \
static std::string m_importFunc; \
static std::string m_sHookName; \
static returnType hookCall hookName##FnHook ( hookParams ) \
{ \
hookBody \
} \
static bool ImplIsModifyImport() { return hookName::m_bModifyImport; } \
static void ImplSetModifyImport(bool bModify) { hookName::m_bModifyImport = bModify; } \
static const std::string& ImplGetLibName() { return hookName::m_lib; } \
static const std::string& ImplGetImportFunctionName() { return hookName::m_importFunc; } \
static void ImplSetOriginalAddress(void* fn) { hookName::m_origFunction = fn; } \
static void* ImplGetOriginalAddress() { return hookName::m_origFunction; } \
static returnType On##hookName ( typedParams ); \
static void* ImplGetNewAddress() { return hookName::##hookName##FnHook; } \
static const std::string& ImplGetHookName() { return hookName::m_sHookName; } \
public: \
hookName() \
{ \
InjectHookRef.AddHook((IHook*)this); \
hookName::m_lib = importLib; \
hookName::m_importFunc = importFunc; \
hookName::m_sHookName = #hookName; \
hookName::m_origFunction = NULL; \
hookName::m_bModifyImport = true; \
} \
virtual bool IsModifyImport() const { return hookName::ImplIsModifyImport(); } \
virtual void SetModifyImport(bool bModify) { hookName::ImplSetModifyImport(bModify); } \
virtual const std::string& GetHookName() const { return hookName::ImplGetHookName(); } \
virtual const std::string& GetLibName() const { return hookName::ImplGetLibName(); } \
virtual const std::string& GetImportFunctionName() const { return hookName::ImplGetImportFunctionName(); } \
virtual void* GetOriginalAddress() const { return hookName::ImplGetOriginalAddress(); } \
virtual void* GetNewAddress() const { return hookName::ImplGetNewAddress(); } \
virtual void SetOriginalAddress(void* fn) { hookName::m_origFunction = fn; } \
static func_type GetTypedOriginalAddress() { return reinterpret_cast(hookName::m_origFunction); } \
}; \
void* hookName::m_origFunction = NULL; \
bool hookName::m_bModifyImport = false; \
std::string hookName::m_lib; \
std::string hookName::m_importFunc; \
std::string hookName::m_sHookName; \
static hookName g##hookName##Inst;
Which in turn allowed me to do this:
CPPHOOK(gIH, "SimEngine.dll", "?AddEntity@Player@@UAEXPAVEntity@@@Z", PlayerAddEntity, void, void* ent, ent);
/* Called when the engine calls Player::AddEntity(entity) */ void PlayerAddEntity::OnPlayerAddEntity(void *thisptr, void *ent) { unsigned int id = getPlayerID(thisptr);
gIH.GetLog()->Info("Player %d adding entity %s.",
getPlayerID(thisptr), getEntityName(ent));
gPlayers[id] = thisptr;
/*if( id == 2 && gPlayers[1] && gPlayers[2] )
EntitySetOwner::GetTypedOriginalAddress() (ent, gPlayers[1]);*/
//gEnts[ent] = Entity(ent, Vector3f());
PlayerAddEntity::GetTypedOriginalAddress() (thisptr, ent);