[windows] What's the environment variable for the path to the desktop?

While I realize this is a bit of an older post, I thought this might help people in a similar situation. I made a quick one line VBScript to pull info for whatever special folder you would like (no error checking though) and it works like this:

Create a file "GetShellFolder.vbs" with the following line:

WScript.Echo WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders(WScript.Arguments(0))

I always make sure to copy cscript.exe (32-bit version) to the same folder as the batch file I am running this from, I will assume you are doing the same (I have had situations where users have somehow removed C:\Windows\system32 from their path, or managed to get rid of cscript.exe, or it's infected or otherwise doesn't work).

Now copy the file to be copied to the same folder and create a batch file in there with the following lines:

for /f "delims=" %%i in ('^""%~dp0cscript.exe" "%~dp0GetShellFolder.vbs" "Desktop" //nologo^"') DO SET SHELLDIR=%%i
copy /y "%~dp0<file_to_copy>" "%SHELLDIR%\<file_to_copy>"

In the above code you can replace "Desktop" with any valid special folder (Favorites, StartMenu, etc. - the full official list is at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/0ea7b5xe%28v=vs.84%29.aspx) and of course <file_to_copy> with the actual file you want placed there. This saves you from trying to access the registry (which you can't do as a limited user anyway) and should be simple enough to adapt to multiple applications.

Oh and for those that don't know the "%~dp0" is just the directory from which the script is being called. It works for UNC paths as well which makes the batch file using it extremely portable. That specifically ends in a trailing "\" though so it can look a little odd at first glance.

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