Searching for non-printable chars. TLDR; Executive Summary
needed to make grep do what you might expect with extended unicodeSO the preferred non-ascii char finders:
$ perl -ne 'print "$. $_" if m/[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/' notes_unicode_emoji_test
as in top answer, the inverse grep:
$ grep --color='auto' -P -n "[^\x00-\x7F]" notes_unicode_emoji_test
as in top answer but WITH LC_ALL=C
$ LC_ALL=C grep --color='auto' -P -n "[\x80-\xFF]" notes_unicode_emoji_test
. . more . . excruciating detail on this: . . .
I agree with Harvey above buried in the comments, it is often more useful to search for non-printable characters OR it is easy to think non-ASCII when you really should be thinking non-printable. Harvey suggests "use this: "[^\n -~]
". Add \r for DOS text files. That translates to "[^\x0A\x020-\x07E]
" and add \x0D for CR"
Also, adding -c (show count of patterns matched) to grep is useful when searching for non-printable chars as the strings matched can mess up terminal.
I found adding range 0-8 and 0x0e-0x1f (to the 0x80-0xff range) is a useful pattern. This excludes the TAB, CR and LF and one or two more uncommon printable chars. So IMHO a quite a useful (albeit crude) grep pattern is THIS one:
grep -c -P -n "[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]" *
ACTUALLY, generally you will need to do this:
LC_ALL=C grep -c -P -n "[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]" *
LC_ALL=C - set locale to C, otherwise many extended chars will not match (even though they look like they are encoded > 0x80)
\x00-\x08 - non-printable control chars 0 - 7 decimal
\x0E-\x1F - more non-printable control chars 14 - 31 decimal
\x80-1xFF - non-printable chars > 128 decimal
-c - print count of matching lines instead of lines
-P - perl style regexps
Instead of -c you may prefer to use -n (and optionally -b) or -l
-n, --line-number
-b, --byte-offset
-l, --files-with-matches
E.g. practical example of use find to grep all files under current directory:
LC_ALL=C find . -type f -exec grep -c -P -n "[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]" {} +
You may wish to adjust the grep at times. e.g. BS(0x08 - backspace) char used in some printable files or to exclude VT(0x0B - vertical tab). The BEL(0x07) and ESC(0x1B) chars can also be deemed printable in some cases.
Non-Printable ASCII Chars ** marks PRINTABLE but CONTROL chars that is useful to exclude sometimes Dec Hex Ctrl Char description Dec Hex Ctrl Char description 0 00 ^@ NULL 16 10 ^P DATA LINK ESCAPE (DLE) 1 01 ^A START OF HEADING (SOH) 17 11 ^Q DEVICE CONTROL 1 (DC1) 2 02 ^B START OF TEXT (STX) 18 12 ^R DEVICE CONTROL 2 (DC2) 3 03 ^C END OF TEXT (ETX) 19 13 ^S DEVICE CONTROL 3 (DC3) 4 04 ^D END OF TRANSMISSION (EOT) 20 14 ^T DEVICE CONTROL 4 (DC4) 5 05 ^E END OF QUERY (ENQ) 21 15 ^U NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (NAK) 6 06 ^F ACKNOWLEDGE (ACK) 22 16 ^V SYNCHRONIZE (SYN) 7 07 ^G BEEP (BEL) 23 17 ^W END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK (ETB) 8 08 ^H BACKSPACE (BS)** 24 18 ^X CANCEL (CAN) 9 09 ^I HORIZONTAL TAB (HT)** 25 19 ^Y END OF MEDIUM (EM) 10 0A ^J LINE FEED (LF)** 26 1A ^Z SUBSTITUTE (SUB) 11 0B ^K VERTICAL TAB (VT)** 27 1B ^[ ESCAPE (ESC) 12 0C ^L FF (FORM FEED)** 28 1C ^\ FILE SEPARATOR (FS) RIGHT ARROW 13 0D ^M CR (CARRIAGE RETURN)** 29 1D ^] GROUP SEPARATOR (GS) LEFT ARROW 14 0E ^N SO (SHIFT OUT) 30 1E ^^ RECORD SEPARATOR (RS) UP ARROW 15 0F ^O SI (SHIFT IN) 31 1F ^_ UNIT SEPARATOR (US) DOWN ARROW
UPDATE: I had to revisit this recently. And, YYMV depending on terminal settings/solar weather forecast BUT . . I noticed that grep was not finding many unicode or extended characters. Even though intuitively they should match the range 0x80 to 0xff, 3 and 4 byte unicode characters were not matched. ??? Can anyone explain this? YES. @frabjous asked and @calandoa explained that LC_ALL=C
should be used to set locale for the command to make grep match.
e.g. my locale LC_ALL=
$ locale
grep with LC_ALL=
empty matches 2 byte encoded chars but not 3 and 4 byte encoded:
$ grep -P -n "[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]" notes_unicode_emoji_test
5:© copyright c2a9
7:call underscore c2a0
31:5 © copyright
32:7 call underscore
grep with LC_ALL=C
does seem to match all extended characters that you would want:
$ LC_ALL=C grep --color='auto' -P -n "[\x80-\xFF]" notes_unicode_emoji_test
1:???? unicode dashes e28090
3:??? Heart With Arrow Emoji - Emojipedia == UTF8? f09f9298
5:? copyright c2a9
7:call? underscore c2a0
11:LIVE??E! ?????????? ???? ?????????? ???? ?? ?? ???? ???? YEOW, mix of japanese and chars from other e38182 e38184 . . e0a487
29:1 ???? unicode dashes
30:3 ??? Heart With Arrow Emoji - Emojipedia == UTF8 e28090
31:5 ? copyright
32:7 call? underscore
33:11 LIVE??E! ?????????? ???? ?????????? ???? ?? ?? ???? ???? YEOW, mix of japanese and chars from other
34:52 LIVE??E! ?????????? ???? ?????????? ???? ?? ?? ???? ???? YEOW, mix of japanese and chars from other
81:LIVE??E! ?????????? ???? ?????????? ???? ?? ?? ???? ???? YEOW, mix of japanese and chars from other
THIS perl match (partially found elsewhere on stackoverflow) OR the inverse grep on the top answer DO seem to find ALL the ~weird~ and ~wonderful~ "non-ascii" characters without setting locale:
$ grep --color='auto' -P -n "[^\x00-\x7F]" notes_unicode_emoji_test
$ perl -ne 'print "$. $_" if m/[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/' notes_unicode_emoji_test
1 -- unicode dashes e28090
3 Heart With Arrow Emoji - Emojipedia == UTF8? f09f9298
5 © copyright c2a9
7 call underscore c2a0
11 LIVE-E! ????? ?? ????? ?? ? ? ?? ?? YEOW, mix of japanese and chars from other e38182 e38184 . . e0a487
29 1 -- unicode dashes
30 3 Heart With Arrow Emoji - Emojipedia == UTF8 e28090
31 5 © copyright
32 7 call underscore
33 11 LIVE-E! ????? ?? ????? ?? ? ? ?? ?? YEOW, mix of japanese and chars from other
34 52 LIVE-E! ????? ?? ????? ?? ? ? ?? ?? YEOW, mix of japanese and chars from other
73 LIVE-E! ????? ?? ????? ?? ? ? ?? ?? YEOW, mix of japanese and chars from other
SO the preferred non-ascii char finders:
$ perl -ne 'print "$. $_" if m/[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/' notes_unicode_emoji_test
as in top answer, the inverse grep:
$ grep --color='auto' -P -n "[^\x00-\x7F]" notes_unicode_emoji_test
as in top answer but WITH LC_ALL=C
$ LC_ALL=C grep --color='auto' -P -n "[\x80-\xFF]" notes_unicode_emoji_test