[linux] How to assign name for a screen?

I'm using the screen multiplexer tool on the command shell and open a lot of screens. I then forget which process ID associates with which task.

I would like to set a name for a screen but can't find an option in the manpage.

Currently, listing the screens looks like this:

There are screens on:
    5422.pts-1.aws1 (Detached)
    5448.pts-1.aws1 (Detached)
    5027.pts-1.aws1 (Detached)
3 Sockets in /var/run/screen/S-sb.

And I would like to see something like this:

There are screens on:
    5422.logCleanWorker (Detached)
    5027.databaseOverNightLongTask (Detached)
3 Sockets in /var/run/screen/S-sb.

How can I do this?

This question is related to linux unix shell gnu-screen

The answer is

The easiest way use screen with name

screen -S 'name' 'application'
  • Ctrl+a, d = exit and leave application open

Return to screen:

screen -r 'name'

for example using lynx with screen

Create screen:

screen -S lynx lynx

Ctrl+a, d =exit

later you can return with:

screen -r lynx

To create a new screen with the name foo, use

screen -S foo

Then to reattach it, run

screen -r foo  # or use -x, as in
screen -x foo  # for "Multi display mode" (see the man page)

As already stated, screen -S SESSIONTITLE works for starting a session with a title (SESSIONTITLE), but if you start a session and later decide to change its title. This can be accomplished by using the default key bindings:

Ctrl+a, A

Which prompts:

Set windows title to:SESSIONTITLE

Change SESSIONTITLE by backspacing and typing in the desired title. To confirm the name change and list all titles.

Ctrl+a, "

I am a beginner to screen but I find it immensely useful while restoring lost connections. Your question has already been answered but this information might serve as an add on - I use putty with putty connection manager and name my screens - "tab1", "tab2", etc. - as for me the overall picture of the 8-10 tabs is more important than each individual tab name. I use the 8th tab for connecting to db, the 7th for viewing logs, etc. So when I want to reattach my screens I have written a simple wrapper which says:

screen -d -r tab$1

where first argument is the tab number.

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