[ruby-on-rails] Removing all empty elements from a hash / YAML?

How would I go about removing all empty elements (empty list items) from a nested Hash or YAML file?

This question is related to ruby-on-rails ruby hash yaml

The answer is

class Hash   
  def compact
    def _empty?(val)
      case val
      when Hash     then val.compact.empty?
      when Array    then val.all? { |v| _empty?(v) }
      when String   then val.empty?
      when NilClass then true
      # ... custom checking 

    delete_if { |_key, val| _empty?(val) }   

Ruby's Hash#compact, Hash#compact! and Hash#delete_if! do not work on nested nil, empty? and/or blank? values. Note that the latter two methods are destructive, and that all nil, "", false, [] and {} values are counted as blank?.

Hash#compact and Hash#compact! are only available in Rails, or Ruby version 2.4.0 and above.

Here's a non-destructive solution that removes all empty arrays, hashes, strings and nil values, while keeping all false values:

(blank? can be replaced with nil? or empty? as needed.)

def remove_blank_values(hash)
  hash.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), new_hash|
    unless v.blank? && v != false
      v.is_a?(Hash) ? new_hash[k] = remove_blank_values(v) : new_hash[k] = v

A destructive version:

def remove_blank_values!(hash)
  hash.each do |k, v|
    if v.blank? && v != false
    elsif v.is_a?(Hash)
      hash[k] = remove_blank_values!(v)

Or, if you want to add both versions as instance methods on the Hash class:

class Hash
  def remove_blank_values
    self.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), new_hash|
      unless v.blank? && v != false
        v.is_a?(Hash) ? new_hash[k] = v.remove_blank_values : new_hash[k] = v

  def remove_blank_values!
    self.each_pair do |k, v|
      if v.blank? && v != false
      elsif v.is_a?(Hash)

Other options:

  • Replace v.blank? && v != false with v.nil? || v == "" to strictly remove empty strings and nil values
  • Replace v.blank? && v != false with v.nil? to strictly remove nil values
  • Etc.

EDITED 2017/03/15 to keep false values and present other options

Rails 4.1 added Hash#compact and Hash#compact! as a core extensions to Ruby's Hash class. You can use them like this:

hash = { a: true, b: false, c: nil }
# => { a: true, b: false }
# => { a: true, b: false, c: nil }
# => { a: true, b: false }
# => { a: true, b: false }
{ c: nil }.compact                  
# => {}

Heads up: this implementation is not recursive. As a curiosity, they implemented it using #select instead of #delete_if for performance reasons. See here for the benchmark.

In case you want to backport it to your Rails 3 app:

# config/initializers/rails4_backports.rb

class Hash
  # as implemented in Rails 4
  # File activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/hash/compact.rb, line 8
  def compact
    self.select { |_, value| !value.nil? }

The recursive version of https://stackoverflow.com/a/14773555/1519240 works, but not with HashWithIndifferentAccess or other classes that are kind of Hash..

Here is the version I am using:

def recursive_compact
  inject({}) do |new_hash, (k,v)|
    if !v.nil?
      new_hash[k] = v.kind_of?(Hash) ? v.recursive_compact : v

kind_of?(Hash) will accept more classes that are like a Hash.

You can also replace inject({}) by inject(HashWithIndifferentAccess.new) if you want to access the new hash using both symbol and string.

Try this to remove nil

hash = { a: true, b: false, c: nil }
=> {:a=>true, :b=>false, :c=>nil}
hash.inject({}){|c, (k, v)| c[k] = v unless v.nil?; c}
=> {:a=>true, :b=>false}

Deep deletion nil values from a hash.

  # returns new instance of hash with deleted nil values
  def self.deep_remove_nil_values(hash)
    hash.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), new_hash|
      new_hash[k] = deep_remove_nil_values(v) if v.is_a?(Hash)
      new_hash[k] = v unless v.nil?

  # rewrite current hash
  def self.deep_remove_nil_values!(hash)
    hash.each do |k, v|
      deep_remove_nil_values(v) if v.is_a?(Hash)
      hash.delete(k) if v.nil?

I made a deep_compact method for this that recursively filters out nil records (and optionally, blank records as well):

class Hash
  # Recursively filters out nil (or blank - e.g. "" if exclude_blank: true is passed as an option) records from a Hash
  def deep_compact(options = {})
    inject({}) do |new_hash, (k,v)|
      result = options[:exclude_blank] ? v.blank? : v.nil?
      if !result
        new_value = v.is_a?(Hash) ? v.deep_compact(options).presence : v
        new_hash[k] = new_value if new_value

Here is something I have:

# recursively remove empty keys (hashes), values (array), hashes and arrays from hash or array
def sanitize data
  case data
  when Array
    data.delete_if { |value| res = sanitize(value); res.blank? }
  when Hash
    data.delete_if { |_, value| res = sanitize(value); res.blank? }
  data.blank? ? nil : data

works for both hashes and arrays

module Helpers
  module RecursiveCompact
    extend self

    def recursive_compact(hash_or_array)
      p = proc do |*args|
        v = args.last
        v.delete_if(&p) if v.respond_to? :delete_if
        v.nil? || v.respond_to?(:"empty?") && v.empty?


P.S. based on someones answer, cant find

usage - Helpers::RecursiveCompact.recursive_compact(something)

I believe it would be best to use a self recursive method. That way it goes as deep as is needed. This will delete the key value pair if the value is nil or an empty Hash.

class Hash
  def compact
    delete_if {|k,v| v.is_a?(Hash) ? v.compact.empty? : v.nil? }

Then using it will look like this:

x = {:a=>{:b=>2, :c=>3}, :d=>nil, :e=>{:f=>nil}, :g=>{}}
# => {:a=>{:b=>2, :c=>3}, :d=>nil, :e=>{:f=>nil}, :g=>{}} 
# => {:a=>{:b=>2, :c=>3}}

To keep empty hashes you can simplify this to.

class Hash
  def compact
    delete_if {|k,v| v.compact if v.is_a?(Hash); v.nil? }

Could be done with facets library (a missing features from standard library), like that:

require 'hash/compact'
require 'enumerable/recursively'
hash.recursively { |v| v.compact! }

Works with any Enumerable (including Array, Hash).

Look how recursively method is implemented.

In Simple one liner for deleting null values in Hash,

rec_hash.each {|key,value| rec_hash.delete(key) if value.blank? } 

Use hsh.delete_if. In your specific case, something like: hsh.delete_if { |k, v| v.empty? }

our version: it also cleans the empty strings and nil values

class Hash

  def compact
    delete_if{|k, v|

      (v.is_a?(Hash) and v.respond_to?('empty?') and v.compact.empty?) or
          (v.nil?)  or
          (v.is_a?(String) and v.empty?)


compact_blank (Rails 6.1+)

If you are using Rails (or a standalone ActiveSupport), starting from version 6.1, there is a compact_blank method which removes blank values from hashes.

It uses Object#blank? under the hood for determining if an item is blank.

{ a: "", b: 1, c: nil, d: [], e: false, f: true }.compact_blank
# => { b: 1, f: true }

Here is a link to the docs and a link to the relative PR.

A destructive variant is also available. See Hash#compact_blank!.

If you need to remove only nil values,

please, consider using Ruby build-in Hash#compact and Hash#compact! methods.

{ a: 1, b: false, c: nil }.compact
# => { a: 1, b: false }

If you're using Ruby 2.4+, you can call compact and compact!

h = { a: 1, b: false, c: nil }
h.compact! #=> { a: 1, b: false }


I know this thread is a bit old but I came up with a better solution which supports Multidimensional hashes. It uses delete_if? except its multidimensional and cleans out anything with a an empty value by default and if a block is passed it is passed down through it's children.

# Hash cleaner
class Hash
    def clean!
        self.delete_if do |key, val|
            if block_given?
                # Prepeare the tests
                test1 = val.nil?
                test2 = val === 0
                test3 = val === false
                test4 = val.empty? if val.respond_to?('empty?')
                test5 = val.strip.empty? if val.is_a?(String) && val.respond_to?('empty?')

                # Were any of the tests true
                test1 || test2 || test3 || test4 || test5

        self.each do |key, val|
            if self[key].is_a?(Hash) && self[key].respond_to?('clean!')
                if block_given?
                    self[key] = self[key].clean!(&Proc.new)
                    self[key] = self[key].clean!

        return self

This one would delete empty hashes too:

swoop = Proc.new { |k, v| v.delete_if(&swoop) if v.kind_of?(Hash);  v.empty? }
hsh.delete_if &swoop

You can use Hash#reject to remove empty key/value pairs from a ruby Hash.

# Remove empty strings
{ a: 'first', b: '', c: 'third' }.reject { |key,value| value.empty? } 
#=> {:a=>"first", :c=>"third"}

# Remove nil
{a: 'first', b: nil, c: 'third'}.reject { |k,v| v.nil? } 
# => {:a=>"first", :c=>"third"}

# Remove nil & empty strings
{a: '', b: nil, c: 'third'}.reject { |k,v| v.nil? || v.empty? } 
# => {:c=>"third"}

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