[python] How to call a shell script from python code?

How to call a shell script from python code?

This question is related to python shell

The answer is

There are some ways using os.popen() (deprecated) or the whole subprocess module, but this approach

import os

is one of the easiest.

In case the script is having multiple arguments


import subprocess
output = subprocess.call(["./test.sh","xyz","1234"])
print output

Output will give the status code. If script runs successfully it will give 0 otherwise non-zero integer.

podname=xyz  serial=1234

Below is the test.sh shell script.


echo "podname=$podname  serial=$serial"

If your shell script file does not have execute permissions, do so in the following way.

import subprocess
subprocess.run(['/bin/bash', './test.sh'])

Subprocess module is a good module to launch subprocesses. You can use it to call shell commands as this:

#basic syntax
#subprocess.call(args, *)

You can see its documentation here.

If you have your script written in some .sh file or a long string, then you can use os.system module. It is fairly simple and easy to call:

import os
os.system("your command here")
# or
os.system('sh file.sh')

This command will run the script once, to completion, and block until it exits.

import os
import sys

Assuming test.sh is the shell script that you would want to execute

os.system("sh test.sh")

Please Try the following codes :

Import Execute 


I know this is an old question but I stumbled upon this recently and it ended up misguiding me since the Subprocess API as changed since python 3.5.

The new way to execute external scripts is with the run function, which runs the command described by args. Waits for command to complete, then returns a CompletedProcess instance.

import subprocess


In case you want to pass some parameters to your shell script, you can use the method shlex.split():

import subprocess
import shlex
subprocess.call(shlex.split('./test.sh param1 param2'))

with test.sh in the same folder:

echo $1
echo $2
exit 0


$ python test.py 

Subprocess is good but some people may like scriptine better. Scriptine has more high-level set of methods like shell.call(args), path.rename(new_name) and path.move(src,dst). Scriptine is based on subprocess and others.

Two drawbacks of scriptine:

  • Current documentation level would be more comprehensive even though it is sufficient.
  • Unlike subprocess, scriptine package is currently not installed by default.

I'm running python 3.5 and subprocess.call(['./test.sh']) doesn't work for me.

I give you three solutions depends on what you wanna do with the output.

1 - call script. You will see output in your terminal. output is a number.

import subprocess 
output = subprocess.call(['test.sh'])

2 - call and dump execution and error into string. You don't see execution in your terminal unless you print(stdout). Shell=True as argument in Popen doesn't work for me.

import subprocess
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

session = subprocess.Popen(['test.sh'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
stdout, stderr = session.communicate()

if stderr:
    raise Exception("Error "+str(stderr))

3 - call script and dump the echo commands of temp.txt in temp_file

import subprocess
temp_file = open("temp.txt",'w')
subprocess.call([executable], stdout=temp_file)
with open("temp.txt",'r') as file:
    output = file.read()

Don't forget to take a look at the doc subprocess

Use the subprocess module as mentioned above.

I use it like this:
