[c++] Mutex example / tutorial?

I'm new to multithreading, and was trying to understand how mutexes work. Did a lot of Googling but it still left some doubts of how it works because I created my own program in which locking didn't work.

One absolutely non-intuitive syntax of the mutex is pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex1 );, where it looks like the mutex is being locked, when what I really want to lock is some other variable. Does this syntax mean that locking a mutex locks a region of code until the mutex is unlocked? Then how do threads know that the region is locked? [UPDATE: Threads know that the region is locked, by Memory Fencing ]. And isn't such a phenomenon supposed to be called critical section? [UPDATE: Critical section objects are available in Windows only, where the objects are faster than mutexes and are visible only to the thread which implements it. Otherwise, critical section just refers to the area of code protected by a mutex]

In short, could you please help with the simplest possible mutex example program and the simplest possible explanation on the logic of how it works? I'm sure this will help plenty of other newbies.

This question is related to c++ c multithreading synchronization mutex

The answer is

While a mutex may be used to solve other problems, the primary reason they exist is to provide mutual exclusion and thereby solve what is known as a race condition. When two (or more) threads or processes are attempting to access the same variable concurrently, we have potential for a race condition. Consider the following code

//somewhere long ago, we have i declared as int
void my_concurrently_called_function()

The internals of this function look so simple. It's only one statement. However, a typical pseudo-assembly language equivalent might be:

load i from memory into a register
add 1 to i
store i back into memory

Because the equivalent assembly-language instructions are all required to perform the increment operation on i, we say that incrementing i is a non-atmoic operation. An atomic operation is one that can be completed on the hardware with a gurantee of not being interrupted once the instruction execution has begun. Incrementing i consists of a chain of 3 atomic instructions. In a concurrent system where several threads are calling the function, problems arise when a thread reads or writes at the wrong time. Imagine we have two threads running simultaneoulsy and one calls the function immediately after the other. Let's also say that we have i initialized to 0. Also assume that we have plenty of registers and that the two threads are using completely different registers, so there will be no collisions. The actual timing of these events may be:

thread 1 load 0 into register from memory corresponding to i //register is currently 0
thread 1 add 1 to a register //register is now 1, but not memory is 0
thread 2 load 0 into register from memory corresponding to i
thread 2 add 1 to a register //register is now 1, but not memory is 0
thread 1 write register to memory //memory is now 1
thread 2 write register to memory //memory is now 1

What's happened is that we have two threads incrementing i concurrently, our function gets called twice, but the outcome is inconsistent with that fact. It looks like the function was only called once. This is because the atomicity is "broken" at the machine level, meaning threads can interrupt each other or work together at the wrong times.

We need a mechanism to solve this. We need to impose some ordering to the instructions above. One common mechanism is to block all threads except one. Pthread mutex uses this mechanism.

Any thread which has to execute some lines of code which may unsafely modify shared values by other threads at the same time (using the phone to talk to his wife), should first be made acquire a lock on a mutex. In this way, any thread that requires access to the shared data must pass through the mutex lock. Only then will a thread be able to execute the code. This section of code is called a critical section.

Once the thread has executed the critical section, it should release the lock on the mutex so that another thread can acquire a lock on the mutex.

The concept of having a mutex seems a bit odd when considering humans seeking exclusive access to real, physical objects but when programming, we must be intentional. Concurrent threads and processes don't have the social and cultural upbringing that we do, so we must force them to share data nicely.

So technically speaking, how does a mutex work? Doesn't it suffer from the same race conditions that we mentioned earlier? Isn't pthread_mutex_lock() a bit more complex that a simple increment of a variable?

Technically speaking, we need some hardware support to help us out. The hardware designers give us machine instructions that do more than one thing but are guranteed to be atomic. A classic example of such an instruction is the test-and-set (TAS). When trying to acquire a lock on a resource, we might use the TAS might check to see if a value in memory is 0. If it is, that would be our signal that the resource is in use and we do nothing (or more accurately, we wait by some mechanism. A pthreads mutex will put us into a special queue in the operating system and will notify us when the resource becomes available. Dumber systems may require us to do a tight spin loop, testing the condition over and over). If the value in memory is not 0, the TAS sets the location to something other than 0 without using any other instructions. It's like combining two assembly instructions into 1 to give us atomicity. Thus, testing and changing the value (if changing is appropriate) cannot be interrupted once it has begun. We can build mutexes on top of such an instruction.

Note: some sections may appear similar to an earlier answer. I accepted his invite to edit, he preferred the original way it was, so I'm keeping what I had which is infused with a little bit of his verbiage.


sem_t m;
sem_init(&m, 0, 0); // initialize semaphore to 0

// critical section here

Reference : http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/Classes/537/Fall2008/Notes/threads-semaphores.txt

The best threads tutorial I know of is here:


I like that it's written about the API, rather than about a particular implementation, and it gives some nice simple examples to help you understand synchronization.

You are supposed to check the mutex variable before using the area protected by the mutex. So your pthread_mutex_lock() could (depending on implementation) wait until mutex1 is released or return a value indicating that the lock could not be obtained if someone else has already locked it.

Mutex is really just a simplified semaphore. If you read about them and understand them, you understand mutexes. There are several questions regarding mutexes and semaphores in SO. Difference between binary semaphore and mutex, When should we use mutex and when should we use semaphore and so on. The toilet example in the first link is about as good an example as one can think of. All code does is to check if the key is available and if it is, reserves it. Notice that you don't really reserve the toilet itself, but the key.

I stumbled upon this post recently and think that it needs an updated solution for the standard library's c++11 mutex (namely std::mutex).

I've pasted some code below (my first steps with a mutex - I learned concurrency on win32 with HANDLE, SetEvent, WaitForMultipleObjects etc).

Since it's my first attempt with std::mutex and friends, I'd love to see comments, suggestions and improvements!

#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
#include <algorithm>
#include <thread>
#include <queue>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    // these vars are shared among the following threads
    std::queue<unsigned int>    nNumbers;

    std::mutex                  mtxQueue;
    std::condition_variable     cvQueue;
    bool                        m_bQueueLocked = false;

    std::mutex                  mtxQuit;
    std::condition_variable     cvQuit;
    bool                        m_bQuit = false;

    std::thread thrQuit(
            using namespace std;            


            // set event by setting the bool variable to true
            // then notifying via the condition variable
            m_bQuit = true;

    std::thread thrProducer(
            using namespace std;

            int nNum = 13;
            unique_lock<mutex> lock( mtxQuit );

            while ( ! m_bQuit )
                while( cvQuit.wait_for( lock, chrono::milliseconds(75) ) == cv_status::timeout )
                    nNum = nNum + 13 / 2;

                    unique_lock<mutex> qLock(mtxQueue);
                    cout << "Produced: " << nNum << "\n";
                    nNumbers.push( nNum );

    std::thread thrConsumer(
            using namespace std;
            unique_lock<mutex> lock(mtxQuit);

            while( cvQuit.wait_for(lock, chrono::milliseconds(150)) == cv_status::timeout )
                unique_lock<mutex> qLock(mtxQueue);
                if( nNumbers.size() > 0 )
                    cout << "Consumed: " << nNumbers.front() << "\n";


    return 0;

For those looking for the shortex mutex example:

#include <mutex>

int main() {
    std::mutex m;

    // do thread-safe stuff

The function pthread_mutex_lock() either acquires the mutex for the calling thread or blocks the thread until the mutex can be acquired. The related pthread_mutex_unlock() releases the mutex.

Think of the mutex as a queue; every thread that attempts to acquire the mutex will be placed on the end of the queue. When a thread releases the mutex, the next thread in the queue comes off and is now running.

A critical section refers to a region of code where non-determinism is possible. Often this because multiple threads are attempting to access a shared variable. The critical section is not safe until some sort of synchronization is in place. A mutex lock is one form of synchronization.

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