[python] Python unexpected EOF while parsing

Here's my python code. Could someone show me what's wrong with it.

while 1:
date=input("Example: March 21 | What is the date? ")
if date=="June 21":
    sd="23.5° North Latitude"
if date=="March 21" | date=="September 21":
    sd="0° Latitude"
if date=="December 21":
    sd="23.5° South Latitude"
if sd:
    print sd

And Here's what happens:

Example: March 21 | What is the date? 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\Solar Declination Calculater.py", line 2, in <module>
    date=input("Example: March 21 | What is the date? ")
  File "<string>", line 0

SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

This question is related to python eof python-2.x

The answer is

After the first if statement instead of typing "if" type "elif" and then it should work.


`    while 1:
    date=input("Example: March 21 | What is the date? ")
if date=="June 21":
    sd="23.5° North Latitude
elif date=="March 21" | date=="September 21":
    sd="0° Latitude"
elif date=="December 21":
    sd="23.5° South Latitude"
elif sd:
    print sd `

Indent it! first. That would take care of your SyntaxError.

Apart from that there are couple of other problems in your program.

  • Use raw_input when you want accept string as an input. input takes only Python expressions and it does an eval on them.

  • You are using certain 8bit characters in your script like . You might need to define the encoding at the top of your script using # -*- coding:latin-1 -*- line commonly called as coding-cookie.

  • Also, while doing str comparison, normalize the strings and compare. (people using lower() it) This helps in giving little flexibility with user input.

  • I also think that reading Python tutorial might helpful to you. :)

Sample Code

#-*- coding: latin1 -*-

while 1:
    date=raw_input("Example: March 21 | What is the date? ")
    if date.lower() == "march 21":


While @simon's answer is most helpful in Python 2, raw_input is not present in Python 3. I'd suggest doing the following to make sure your code works equally well in Python 2 and Python 3:

First, pip install future:

$ pip install future

Second: import input from future.builtins

# my_file.py    
from future.builtins import input
str_value = input('Type something in: ')

And for the specific example listed above:

# example.py
from future.builtins import input
my_date = input("Example: March 21 | What is the date? ")

Check the version of your Compiler.

  1. if you are dealing with Python2 then use -

n= raw_input("Enter your Input: ")

  1. if you are dealing with python3 use -

n= input("Enter your Input: ")

I had this error, because of a missing closing parenthesis on a line.

I started off having an issue with a line saying: invalid syntax (<string>, line ...)? at the end of my script.

I deleted that line, then got the EOF message.

i came across the same thing and i figured out what is the issue. When we use the method input, the response we should type should be in double quotes. Like in your line date=input("Example: March 21 | What is the date? ")

You should type when prompted on console "12/12/2015" - note the " thing before and after. This way it will take that as a string and process it as expected. I am not sure if this is limitation of this input method - but it works this way.

Hope it helps

I'm using the follow code to get Python 2 and 3 compatibility

if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
    input = raw_input

Check if all the parameters of functions are defined before they are called. I faced this problem while practicing Kaggle.

I'm trying to answer in general, not related to this question, this error generally occurs when you break a syntax in half and forget the other half. Like in my case it was:

try :

since python was searching for a

except Exception as e:

but it encountered an EOF (End Of File), hence the error. See if you can find any incomplete syntax in your code.

What you can try is writing your code as normal for python using the normal input command. However the trick is to add at the beginning of you program the command input=raw_input.

Now all you have to do is disable (or enable) depending on if you're running in Python/IDLE or Terminal. You do this by simply adding '#' when needed.

Switched off for use in Python/IDLE


And of course switched on for use in terminal.


I'm not sure if it will always work, but its a possible solution for simple programs or scripts.

Use raw_input instead of input :)

If you use input, then the data you type is is interpreted as a Python Expression which means that you end up with gawd knows what type of object in your target variable, and a heck of a wide range of exceptions that can be generated. So you should NOT use input unless you're putting something in for temporary testing, to be used only by someone who knows a bit about Python expressions.

raw_input always returns a string because, heck, that's what you always type in ... but then you can easily convert it to the specific type you want, and catch the specific exceptions that may occur. Hopefully with that explanation, it's a no-brainer to know which you should use.


Note: this is only for Python 2. For Python 3, raw_input() has become plain input() and the Python 2 input() has been removed.

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