[list] How to get the list of all installed color schemes in Vim?

Looking at my system's menu.vim (look for 'Color Scheme submenu') and @chappar's answer, I came up with the following function:

" Returns the list of available color schemes
function! GetColorSchemes()
   return uniq(sort(map(
   \  globpath(&runtimepath, "colors/*.vim", 0, 1),  
   \  'fnamemodify(v:val, ":t:r")'

It does the following:

  1. Gets the list of available color scheme scripts under all runtime paths (globpath, runtimepath)
  2. Maps the script paths to their base names (strips parent dirs and extension) (map, fnamemodify)
  3. Sorts and removes duplicates (uniq, sort)

Then to use the function I do something like this:

let s:schemes = GetColorSchemes()
if index(s:schemes, 'solarized') >= 0
   colorscheme solarized
elseif index(s:schemes, 'darkblue') >= 0
   colorscheme darkblue

Which means I prefer the 'solarized' and then the 'darkblue' schemes; if none of them is available, do nothing.