This query will list all of the tables in all of the databases and schemas (uncomment the line(s) in the WHERE
clause to filter for specific databases, schemas, or tables), with the privileges shown in order so that it's easy to see if a specific privilege is granted or not:
SELECT grantee
,string_agg(privilege_type, ', ' ORDER BY privilege_type) AS privileges
FROM information_schema.role_table_grants
WHERE grantee != 'postgres'
-- and table_catalog = 'somedatabase' /* uncomment line to filter database */
-- and table_schema = 'someschema' /* uncomment line to filter schema */
-- and table_name = 'sometable' /* uncomment line to filter table */
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4;
Sample output:
grantee |table_catalog |table_schema |table_name |privileges |
PUBLIC |adventure_works |pg_catalog |pg_sequence |SELECT |
PUBLIC |adventure_works |pg_catalog |pg_sequences |SELECT |
PUBLIC |adventure_works |pg_catalog |pg_settings |SELECT, UPDATE |