I didn't post to answer JeremyRR's questions (as they have already been answered); instead, I posted merely to give a suggestion.
To JeremyRR, you could do this:
string someString = "testing";
for(int counter = 0; counter <= 10; counter++)
cout << someString;
// The variable is in scope.
// The variable is no longer in scope.
I don't know if you realize (I didn't when I first started programming), that brackets (as long they are in pairs) can be placed anywhere within the code, not just after "if", "for", "while", etc.
My code compiled in Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express, so I know it works; also, I have tried to to use the variable outside of the brackets that it was defined in and I received an error, so I know that the variable was "destroyed".
I don't know if it is bad practice to use this method, as a lot of unlabeled brackets could quickly make the code unreadable, but maybe some comments could clear things up.