[php] how to add or embed CKEditor in php page

After reading the Quick Start Guide

In your HTML page add an element that CKEditor should replace:

<textarea name="content" id="editor"></textarea>

Load the classic editor build (here CDN location is used):

<script src="https://cdn.ckeditor.com/ckeditor5/10.0.1/classic/ckeditor.js"></script>

Call the ClassicEditor.create() method.

        .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ) )
        .catch( error => {
            console.error( error );
        } );


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>CKEditor 5 - Classic editor</title>
    <script src="https://cdn.ckeditor.com/ckeditor5/10.0.1/classic/ckeditor.js"></script>
    <h1>Classic editor</h1>
    <textarea name="content" id="editor">
        <p>This is some sample content.</p>
            .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ) )
            .catch( error => {
                console.error( error );
            } );

This example is for the specific classic editor. FOr other variants, only CDN will change.