[javascript] How to make exe files from a node.js app?

Try disclose: https://github.com/pmq20/disclose

disclose essentially makes a self-extracting exe out of your Node.js project and Node.js interpreter with the following characteristics,

  1. No GUI. Pure CLI.
  2. No run-time dependencies
  3. Supports both Windows and Unix
  4. Runs slowly for the first time (extracting to a cache dir), then fast forever

Try node-compiler: https://github.com/pmq20/node-compiler

I have made a new project called node-compiler to compile your Node.js project into one single executable.

It is better than disclose in that it never runs slowly for the first time, since your source code is compiled together with Node.js interpreter, just like the standard Node.js libraries.

Additionally, it redirect file and directory requests transparently to the memory instead of to the file system at runtime. So that no source code is required to run the compiled product.

How it works: https://speakerdeck.com/pmq20/node-dot-js-compiler-compiling-your-node-dot-js-application-into-a-single-executable

Comparing with Similar Projects,

  • pkg(https://github.com/zeit/pkg): Pkg hacked fs.* API's dynamically in order to access in-package files, whereas Node.js Compiler leaves them alone and instead works on a deeper level via libsquash. Pkg uses JSON to store in-package files while Node.js Compiler uses the more sophisticated and widely used SquashFS as its data structure.

  • EncloseJS(http://enclosejs.com/): EncloseJS restricts access to in-package files to only five fs.* API's, whereas Node.js Compiler supports all fs.* API's. EncloseJS is proprietary licensed and charges money when used while Node.js Compiler is MIT-licensed and users are both free to use it and free to modify it.

  • Nexe(https://github.com/nexe/nexe): Nexe does not support dynamic require because of its use of browserify, whereas Node.js Compiler supports all kinds of require including require.resolve.

  • asar(https://github.com/electron/asar): Asar uses JSON to store files' information while Node.js Compiler uses SquashFS. Asar keeps the code archive and the executable separate while Node.js Compiler links all JavaScript source code together with the Node.js virtual machine and generates a single executable as the final product.

  • AppImage(http://appimage.org/): AppImage supports only Linux with a kernel that supports SquashFS, while Node.js Compiler supports all three platforms of Linux, macOS and Windows, meanwhile without any special feature requirements from the kernel.

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