[c#] Verify a method call using Moq

I am fairly new to unit testing in C# and learning to use Moq. Below is the class that I am trying to test.

class MyClass
    SomeClass someClass;
    public MyClass(SomeClass someClass)
        this.someClass = someClass;     

    public void MyMethod(string method)
        method = "test"

class Someclass
    public DoSomething(string method)
        // do something...

Below is my TestClass:

class MyClassTest
    public void MyMethodTest()
        string action="test";
        Mock<SomeClass> mockSomeClass = new Mock<SomeClass>();
        mockSomeClass.SetUp(a => a.DoSomething(action));
        MyClass myClass = new MyClass(mockSomeClass.Object);
        mockSomeClass.Verify(v => v.DoSomething(It.IsAny<string>()));

I get the following exception:

Expected invocation on the mock at least once, but was never performed
No setups configured.
No invocations performed..

I just want to verify if the method "MyMethod" is being called or not. Am I missing something?

This question is related to c# testing methods moq

The answer is

You're checking the wrong method. Moq requires that you Setup (and then optionally Verify) the method in the dependency class.

You should be doing something more like this:

class MyClassTest
    public void MyMethodTest()
        string action = "test";
        Mock<SomeClass> mockSomeClass = new Mock<SomeClass>();

        mockSomeClass.Setup(mock => mock.DoSomething());

        MyClass myClass = new MyClass(mockSomeClass.Object);

        // Explicitly verify each expectation...
        mockSomeClass.Verify(mock => mock.DoSomething(), Times.Once());

        // ...or verify everything.
        // mockSomeClass.VerifyAll();

In other words, you are verifying that calling MyClass#MyMethod, your class will definitely call SomeClass#DoSomething once in that process. Note that you don't need the Times argument; I was just demonstrating its value.

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