A valid entry looks like:
public static class ConsoleProgram
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Got here");
I had issues as I'm writing a web application, but for the dreadly loading time, I wanted to quickly convert the same project to a console application and perform quick method tests without loading the entire solution.
My entry point was placed in /App_Code/Main.cs, and I had to do the following:
After this, I can set the output (as mentioned in Step 1) to Class Library to start the web site, or Console Application to enter the console mode.
Why I did this instead of 2 separate projects?
Simply because I had references to Entity Framework and other specific references that created problems running 2 separate projects.
For easier solutions, I would still recommend 2 separate projects as the console output is mainly test code and you probably don't want to risk that going out in production code.