There is no .length property in C. The .length property can only be applied to arrays in object oriented programming (OOP) languages. The .length property is inherited from the object class; the class all other classes & objects inherit from in an OOP language. Also, one would use .length-1 to return the number of the last index in an array; using just the .length will return the total length of the array.
I would suggest something like this:
int index;
int jdex;
for( index = 0; index < (sizeof( my_array ) / sizeof( my_array[0] )); index++){
for( jdex = 0; jdex < (sizeof( my_array ) / sizeof( my_array[0] )); jdex++){
printf( "%d", my_array[index][jdex] );
printf( "\n" );
The line (sizeof( my_array ) / sizeof( my_array[0] )) will give you the size of the array in question. The sizeof property will return the length in bytes, so one must divide the total size of the array in bytes by how many bytes make up each element, each element takes up 4 bytes because each element is of type int, respectively. The array is of total size 16 bytes and each element is of 4 bytes so 16/4 yields 4 the total number of elements in your array because indexing starts at 0 and not 1.