If the above solutions did not work for you so -
Could be that you did not install C++ compiler packages properly, flow this: (Instructions for Win7, 32bit/64bit)
Make sure you install properly one or more of the supporting C++ compiler packages:
(I installed MinGW (HowTo Install Videos can be found on YouTube))
In case you choose to install MinGW packages:
Run MinGW installer and make sure to choose the following packages:
- mingw-developer-toolkit
- mingw32-base
- mingw32-gcc-g++
- msys-base
Add MinGW and MSYS bin paths to your PATH environment variable , if you didn't change the default installation folders you should add:
Create a new C++ project in eclipse:
In you Hello World Project you shall see + src folder, and + Includes (If so you are probably good to go).