[android] What does ellipsize mean in android?

I've added an EditText to my layout, and added a hint, and made it centered horizontally.

When running the application, the hint was invisible. I found that I should make ellipsize value of the TextView to be start:

    android:hint="@string/hint1" />

In Android documentation, I read:

If set, causes words that are longer than the view is wide to be
ellipsized instead of broken in the middle.

The problem is that ellipsize is not found in the dictionary. Can anybody explain to me what benefits we can gain by ellipsize attribute? And what is the difference between start, end, middle?

This question is related to android android-layout textview

The answer is

Set this property to edit text. Elipsize is working with disable edit text


or setKeyListener(null);

here is an example on how ellipsize works without using deprecated android:singleLine="true" in a ConstraintLayout:

   tools:text="long long long long long long text text text" />

remember if you have a text that is supposed to be in a single line, then change the maxLines to 1.

Use ellipsize when you have fixed width, then it will automatically truncate the text & show the ellipsis at end,

it Won't work if you set layout_width as wrap_content & match_parent.



 This is my first android application and
 I am trying to make a funny game,
 It seems android is really very easy to play.

Suppose above is your text and if you are using ellipsize's start attribute it will seen like this

This is my first android application and
...t seems android is really very easy to play.

with end attribute

 This is my first android application and
 I am trying to make a funny game,...

An ellipsis is three periods in a row...

The TextView will use an ellipsis when it cannot expand to show all of its text. The attribute ellipsized sets the position of the three dots if it is necessary.

android:ellipsize added in API Level 1. An ellipsis is three periods in a row. (...) .

In your Xml

       android:text="Hi I am Amiyo, you can see how to ellipse works."
       android:ellipsize = "end"  

At this point, the ellipsis will not display yet as a TextView is set to automatically expand on default when new text is entered. You will need to limit the TextView in some way. Do do this, you can use either add to your TextView a scrollHorizontally, minLines, or maxLines to have the ellipsis display.

To make the ellipse:

    at the end: this is how it would.   
    use: android:ellipsize = "end"


 in the middle:
 use: android:ellipsize = "middle"


 at the start:
 use: android:ellipsize = "start"


 to have no ellipse
 use: android:ellipsize = "none"

Note Please :

Do not use android:singeLine = "true", it is deprecated.
android:maxLines = "1" will not display the three dots (...)
android:lines = "1" will not display the three dots (...)

For more details you can visit here


Note: your text must be larger than the container box for the following to marquee:


for my experience, Ellipsis works only if below two attributes are set.


for the width of textview, wrap_content or match_parent should both be good.

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