[android] Rounded corner for textview in android

I have a textview and want its corner to be in round shape. I already know it can be done using android:background="@drawable/somefile". In my case, this tag is already included so cannot use again. e.g android:background="@drawable/mydialogbox" is already there to create image in background

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    android:orientation="horizontal" >

        android:layout_centerHorizontal="true" />



so when I want textview(textview_name) also with round corner, how this can be achieved.

This question is related to android textview shapes

The answer is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">

    <item android:id="@android:id/background">
            <corners android:radius="5dp" />
            <solid android:color="#ffffff"/>


Beside radius, there are some property to round corner like topRightRadius, topLeftRadius, bottomRightRadius, bottomLeftRadius

Example TextView with red border with corner and gray background

bg_rounded.xml (in the drawables folder)

<shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
        android:color="#f00" />

    <solid android:color="#aaa" />

        android:topRightRadius="100dp" />




enter image description here

You can use the provided rectangle shape (without a gradient, unless you want one) as follows:

In drawable/rounded_rectangle.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    <corners android:radius="5dp" />
    <stroke android:width="1dp" android:color="#ff0000" />
    <solid android:color="#00ff00" />

Then in your text view:


Of course, you will want to customize the dimensions and colors.

  1. Right Click on Drawable Folder and Create new File
  2. Name the file according to you and add the extension as .xml.
  3. Add the following code in the file
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
      <corners android:radius="5dp" />
      <stroke android:width="1dp"  />
      <solid android:color="#1e90ff" />
  1. Add the line where you want the rounded edge android:background="@drawable/corner"

  1. Create rounded_corner.xml in the drawable folder and add the following content,

    <solid android:color="#ffffff" />
            android:top="1dp" />
    <corners android:radius="5dp" />
  2. Set this drawable in the TextView background property like so:


I hope this is useful for you.

You can use SVG for rounding corners and load into an ImageView and use ConstraintLayout to bring ImageView on TextView

I used it for rounded ImageView and rounded TextView

With the Material Components Library you can use the MaterialShapeDrawable.

With a TextView:


You can programmatically apply a MaterialShapeDrawable:

float radius = getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.corner_radius);

TextView textView = findViewById(R.id.textview);
ShapeAppearanceModel shapeAppearanceModel = new ShapeAppearanceModel()

MaterialShapeDrawable shapeDrawable = new MaterialShapeDrawable(shapeAppearanceModel);

enter image description here

If you want to change the background color and the border just apply:

shapeDrawable.setStroke(2.0f, ContextCompat.getColor(this,R.color....));

There is Two steps

1) Create this file in your drawable folder :- rounded_corner.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
         <corners android:radius="10dp" />  // set radius of corner
         <stroke android:width="2dp" android:color="#ff3478" /> // set color and width of border
         <solid android:color="#FFFFFF" /> // inner bgcolor

2) Set this file into your TextView as background property.


You can use this drawable in Button or Edittext also

Since your top level view already has android:background property set, you can use a <layer-list> (link) to create a new XML drawable that combines both your old background and your new rounded corners background.

Each <item> element in the list is drawn over the next, so the last item in the list is the one that ends up on top.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" >
        <bitmap android:src="@drawable/mydialogbox" />
                android:color="@color/common_border_color" />

            <solid android:color="#ffffff" />

                    android:top="1dp" />

            <corners android:radius="5dp" />

create an xml gradient.xml file under drawable folder

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle"  >
            <corners android:radius="50dip" />
            <stroke android:width="1dip" android:color="#667162" />
            <gradient android:angle="-90" android:startColor="#ffffff" android:endColor="#ffffff" />

then add this to your TextView


Simply using an rounded corner image as the background of that view

And don't forget to have your custom image in drawable folder


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Examples related to shapes

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