[bash] Using sendmail from bash script for multiple recipients

I'm running a bash script in cron to send mail to multiple recipients when a certain condition is met.

I've coded the variables like this:

from="[email protected]"
recipients="[email protected] [email protected]"
mail="subject:$subject\nfrom:$from\nExample Message"

And the actual sending:

echo -e $mail | /usr/sbin/sendmail "$recipients"

The problem is that only [email protected] is receiving the email. How can I change this so all the recipients receive the email?

NOTE: The solution has to be with sendmail, I'm using jailshell and it seems to be the only available method

This question is related to bash sendmail

The answer is

Use option -t for sendmail.

in your case - echo -e $mail | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t and add yout Recepient list to message itself like To: [email protected] [email protected] right after the line From:.....

-t option means - Read message for recipients. To:, Cc:, and Bcc: lines will be scanned for recipient addresses. The Bcc: line will be deleted before transmission.

to use sendmail from the shell script

subject="mail subject"
body="Hello World"
from="[email protected]"
to="[email protected],[email protected]"
echo -e "Subject:${subject}\n${body}" | sendmail -f "${from}" -t "${to}"