[mongodb] Mongoose query where value is not null

Hello guys I am stucked with this. I've a Document Profile who has a reference to User,and I've tried to list the profiles where user ref is not null (because I already filtered by rol during the population), but after googleing a few hours I cannot figure out how to get this. I have this query:

const profiles = await Profile.find({ user: {$exists: true,  $ne: null }})
                            .sort( {_id: -1} )
                            .skip( skip )
                                path: 'user',
                                match: { role: {$eq: customer}},
                                select: '-password -verified -_id -__v'


And I get this result, how can I remove from the results the user:null colletions? . I meant, I dont want to get the profile when user is null (the role does not match).
    "code": 200,
    "profiles": [
            "description": null,
            "province": "West Midlands",
            "country": "UK",
            "postal_code": "83000",
            "user": null
            "description": null,

            "province": "Madrid",
            "country": "Spain",
            "postal_code": "43000",
            "user": {
                "role": "customer",
                "name": "pedrita",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "created_at": "2020-06-05T11:05:36.450Z"
    "page": 1

Thanks in advance.