[javascript] How to show current time in JavaScript in the format HH:MM:SS?

Can you please tell me how to set time in this format HH:MM:SS .I want to set that this in an div ?

This question is related to javascript datetime

The answer is

Use this way:

var d = new Date();
localtime = d.toLocaleTimeString('en-US', { hour12: false });

Result: 18:56:31

This code will output current time in HH:MM:SS format in console, it takes into account GMT timezones.

var currentTime = Date.now()
var GMT = -(new Date()).getTimezoneOffset()/60;
var totalSeconds = Math.floor(currentTime/1000);
seconds = ('0' + totalSeconds % 60).slice(-2);
var totalMinutes = Math.floor(totalSeconds/60);
minutes = ('0' + totalMinutes % 60).slice(-2);
var totalHours = Math.floor(totalMinutes/60);
hours = ('0' + (totalHours+GMT) % 24).slice(-2);
var timeDisplay = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
//Output is: 11:16:55

You can use native function Date.toLocaleTimeString():

var d = new Date();
var n = d.toLocaleTimeString();

This will display e.g.:


I found it on http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_tolocaletimestring.asp

var d = new Date();_x000D_
var n = d.toLocaleTimeString();_x000D_
alert("The time is: \n"+n);

new Date().toLocaleTimeString()

You can use moment.js to do this.

var now = new moment();



new Date().toTimeString().slice(0,8)

Note that toLocaleTimeString() might return something like 9:00:00 AM.

This is an example of how to set time in a div(only_time) using javascript.

function date_time() {
    var date = new Date();
    var am_pm = "AM";
    var hour = date.getHours();
        am_pm = "PM";
    if (hour == 0) {
        hour = 12;
        hour = hour - 12;
        hour = "0"+hour;

    var minute = date.getMinutes();
    if (minute<10){
        minute = "0"+minute;
    var sec = date.getSeconds();
        sec = "0"+sec;

    document.getElementById("time").innerHTML =  hour+":"+minute+":"+sec+" "+am_pm;
<div class="date" id="time"></div>

You can do this in Javascript.

var time = new Date();
console.log(time.getHours() + ":" + time.getMinutes() + ":" + time.getSeconds());

At present it returns 15:5:18. Note that if any of the values are less than 10, they will display using only one digit, not two.

Check this in JSFiddle

For prefixed 0's try

var time = new Date();
    ("0" + time.getHours()).slice(-2)   + ":" + 
    ("0" + time.getMinutes()).slice(-2) + ":" + 
    ("0" + time.getSeconds()).slice(-2));

new Date().toLocaleTimeString('it-IT')

The it-IT locale happens to pad the hour if needed and omits PM or AM 01:33:01

function realtime() {_x000D_
  let time = moment().format('h:mm:ss a');_x000D_
  document.getElementById('time').innerHTML = time;_x000D_
  setInterval(() => {_x000D_
    time = moment().format('h:mm:ss a');_x000D_
    document.getElementById('time').innerHTML = time;_x000D_
  }, 1000)_x000D_
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.22.1/moment.min.js"></script>_x000D_
<div id="time"></div>

A very simple way using moment.js and setInterval.

setInterval(() => {
  moment().format('h:mm:ss a');
}, 1000)

Sample output

Using setInterval() set to 1000ms or 1 second, the output will refresh every 1 second.

3:25:50 pm

This is how I use this method on one of my side projects.

setInterval(() => {
  this.time = this.shared.time;
}, 1000)

Maybe you're wondering if using setInterval() would cause some performance issues.

Is setInterval CPU intensive?

I don't think setInterval is inherently going to cause you significant performance problems. I suspect the reputation may come from an earlier era, when CPUs were less powerful. ... - lonesomeday

No, setInterval is not CPU intensive in and of itself. If you have a lot of intervals running on very short cycles (or a very complex operation running on a moderately long interval), then that can easily become CPU intensive, depending upon exactly what your intervals are doing and how frequently they are doing it. ... - aroth

But in general, using setInterval really like a lot on your site may slow down things. 20 simultaneously running intervals with more or less heavy work will affect the show. And then again.. you really can mess up any part I guess that is not a problem of setInterval. ... - jAndy

function realtime() {
  let time = moment().format('hh:mm:ss.SS a').replace("m", "");
  document.getElementById('time').innerHTML = time;
  setInterval(() => {
    time = moment().format('hh:mm:ss.SS A');
    document.getElementById('time').innerHTML = time;
  }, 0)

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.22.1/moment.min.js"></script>

<div id="time"></div>