[sql] A SQL Query to select a string between two known strings

I need a SQL query to get the value between two known strings (the returned value should start and end with these two strings).

An example.

"All I knew was that the dog had been very bad and required harsh punishment immediately regardless of what anyone else thought."

In this case the known strings are "the dog" and "immediately". So my query should return "the dog had been very bad and required harsh punishment immediately"

I've come up with this so far but to no avail:

SELECT SUBSTRING(@Text, CHARINDEX('the dog', @Text), CHARINDEX('immediately', @Text))

@Text being the variable containing the main string.

Can someone please help me with where I'm going wrong?

This question is related to sql sql-server substring

The answer is

You're getting the starting position of 'punishment immediately', but passing that in as the length parameter for your substring.

You would need to substract the starting position of 'the dog' from the charindex of 'punishment immediately', and then add the length of the 'punishment immediately' string to your third parameter. This would then give you the correct text.

Here's some rough, hacky code to illustrate the process:

SET @text = 'All I knew was that the dog had been very bad and required harsh punishment immediately regardless of what anyone else thought.'

SELECT @start = CHARINDEX('the dog',@text)

SELECT @endLen = LEN('immediately')

SELECT @end = CHARINDEX('immediately',@text)
SET @end = @end - @start + @endLen


SELECT SUBSTRING(@text,@start,@end)

Result: the dog had been very bad and required harsh punishment immediately

select substring(@string,charindex('@first',@string)+1,charindex('@second',@string)-(charindex('@first',@string)+1))

SELECT SUBSTRING('aaaaa$bbbbb$ccccc',instr('aaaaa$bbbbb$ccccc','$',1,1)+1, instr('aaaaa$bbbbb$ccccc','$',1,2)-1) -instr('aaaaa$bbbbb$ccccc','$',1,1)) as My_String

SUBSTRING( '[email protected]',  charindex('@','[email protected]',1) + 1, charindex('.','[email protected]',1) - charindex('@','[email protected]',1) - 1 )

I think what Evan meant was this:

SELECT SUBSTRING(@Text, CHARINDEX(@First, @Text) + LEN(@First), 
                 CHARINDEX(@Second, @Text) - CHARINDEX(@First, @Text) - LEN(@First))

Try this and replace '[' & ']' with your string


An example is this: You have a string and the character $

String :



SELECT SUBSTRING('aaaaa$bbbbb$ccccc',CHARINDEX('$','aaaaa$bbbbb$ccccc')+1, CHARINDEX('$','aaaaa$bbbbb$ccccc',CHARINDEX('$','aaaaa$bbbbb$ccccc')+1) -CHARINDEX('$','aaaaa$bbbbb$ccccc')-1) as My_String



I had a similar need to parse out a set of parameters stored within an IIS logs' csUriQuery field, which looked like this: id=3598308&user=AD\user&parameter=1&listing=No needed in this format.

I ended up creating a User-defined function to accomplish a string between, with the following assumptions:

  1. If the starting occurrence is not found, a NULL is returned, and
  2. If the ending occurrence is not found, the rest of the string is returned

Here's the code:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.str_between(@col varchar(max), @start varchar(50), @end varchar(50))  
  RETURNS varchar(max)  
  RETURN substring(@col, charindex(@start, @col) + len(@start), 
         isnull(nullif(charindex(@end, stuff(@col, 1, charindex(@start, @col)-1, '')),0),
         len(stuff(@col, 1, charindex(@start, @col)-1, ''))+1) - len(@start)-1);

For the above question, the usage is as follows:

DECLARE @a VARCHAR(MAX) = 'All I knew was that the dog had been very bad and required harsh punishment immediately regardless of what anyone else thought.'
SELECT dbo.str_between(@a, 'the dog', 'immediately')
-- Yields' had been very bad and required harsh punishment '



SET @text = 'All I knew was that the dog had been very bad and required harsh punishment immediately regardless of what anyone else thought.'

declare @pretext as nvarchar(100) = 'the dog'    
declare @posttext as nvarchar(100) = 'immediately'

When CHARINDEX(@posttext, @Text) - (CHARINDEX(@pretext, @Text) + len(@pretext)) < 0 THEN 
SUBSTRING(@Text, CHARINDEX(@pretext, @Text) + len(@pretext)
,   CHARINDEX(@posttext, @Text) - (CHARINDEX(@pretext, @Text) + len(@pretext)) )    
END as betweentext  

Hope this helps : Declared a variable , in case of any changes need to be made thats only once .

declare @line  varchar(100)

set @line ='[email protected]'

select SUBSTRING(@line ,(charindex('-',@line)+1), CHARINDEX('@',@line)-charindex('-',@line)-1)

I have a feeling you might need SQL Server's PATINDEX() function. Check this out:

Usage on Patindex() function

So maybe:

SELECT SUBSTRING(@TEXT, PATINDEX('%the dog%', @TEXT), PATINDEX('%immediately%',@TEXT))

You need to adjust for the LENGTH in the SUBSTRING. You were pointing it to the END of the 'ending string'.

Try something like this:

declare @TEXT varchar(200)
declare @ST varchar(200)
declare @EN varchar(200)
set @ST = 'the dog'
set @EN = 'immediately'
set @TEXT = 'All I knew was that the dog had been very bad and required harsh punishment immediately regardless of what anyone else thought.'

Of course, you may need to adjust it a bit.

SET @Text = 'All I knew was that the dog had been very bad and required harsh punishment immediately regardless of what anyone else thought.'
SET @First = 'the dog'
SET @Second = 'immediately'

                 CHARINDEX(@Second, @Text) - CHARINDEX(@First, @Text) + LEN(@Second))

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