So Nodejs comes with the default global variable called '__fileName'
that holds the current file being executed
My advice is to pass the __fileName to a service from any file , so that the retrieval of the fileName is made dynamic
Below, I make use of the fileName string and then split it based on the path.sep
. Note path.sep avoids issues with posix file seperators and windows file seperators (issues with '/' and '\'). It is much cleaner. Getting the substring and getting only the last seperated name and subtracting it with the actulal length by 3 speaks for itself.
You can write a service like this (Note this is in typescript , but you can very well write it in js )
export class AppLoggingConstants {
// Here make sure the fileName param is actually '__fileName'
getDefaultMedata(fileName: string, methodName: string) {
const appName = APP_NAME;
const actualFileName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(path.sep)+1, fileName.length - 3);
//const actualFileName = fileName;
return appName+ ' -- '+actualFileName;
export const AppLoggingConstantsInstance = new AppLoggingConstants();