[mongodb] MongoDB "root" user

There is a Superuser Roles: root, which is a Built-In Roles, may meet your need.

Examples related to mongodb

Server Discovery And Monitoring engine is deprecated Avoid "current URL string parser is deprecated" warning by setting useNewUrlParser to true MongoNetworkError: failed to connect to server [localhost:27017] on first connect [MongoNetworkError: connect ECONNREFUSED] Failed to auto-configure a DataSource: 'spring.datasource.url' is not specified Failed to start mongod.service: Unit mongod.service not found db.collection is not a function when using MongoClient v3.0 MongoError: connect ECONNREFUSED MongoDB: How To Delete All Records Of A Collection in MongoDB Shell? How to resolve Nodejs: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory How to create a DB for MongoDB container on start up?

Examples related to authentication

Set cookies for cross origin requests How Spring Security Filter Chain works What are the main differences between JWT and OAuth authentication? http post - how to send Authorization header? ASP.NET Core Web API Authentication Token based authentication in Web API without any user interface Custom Authentication in ASP.Net-Core Basic Authentication Using JavaScript Adding ASP.NET MVC5 Identity Authentication to an existing project LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C0903A9, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v1db1

Examples related to mongodb-query

How to join multiple collections with $lookup in mongodb $lookup on ObjectId's in an array how to convert string to numerical values in mongodb How to convert a pymongo.cursor.Cursor into a dict? Mongodb find() query : return only unique values (no duplicates) How to list all databases in the mongo shell? Printing Mongo query output to a file while in the mongo shell MongoDB "root" user How to query nested objects? How to filter array in subdocument with MongoDB

Examples related to authorization

How to send custom headers with requests in Swagger UI? How do you create a custom AuthorizeAttribute in ASP.NET Core? ASP.NET Web API : Correct way to return a 401/unauthorised response How to get http headers in flask? How to define the basic HTTP authentication using cURL correctly? basic authorization command for curl MongoDB "root" user How to use basic authorization in PHP curl How to get user name using Windows authentication in asp.net? Python requests library how to pass Authorization header with single token

Examples related to roles

PostgreSQL: role is not permitted to log in MongoDB "root" user What is the purpose of the "role" attribute in HTML? Grant all on a specific schema in the db to a group role in PostgreSQL Create PostgreSQL ROLE (user) if it doesn't exist Can I hide/show asp:Menu items based on role? Allow multiple roles to access controller action