[java] Convert java.util.Date to java.time.LocalDate

What is the best way to convert a java.util.Date object to the new JDK 8/JSR-310 java.time.LocalDate?

Date input = new Date();
LocalDate date = ???

This question is related to java datetime java-8 java-time

The answer is

You can convert in one line :

public static LocalDate getLocalDateFromDate(Date date){
   return LocalDate.from(Instant.ofEpochMilli(date.getTime()).atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()));

Better way is:

Date date = ...;

Advantages of this version:

  • works regardless the input is an instance of java.util.Date or it's a subclass of java.sql.Date (unlike @JodaStephen's way). This is common with JDBC-originated data. java.sql.Date.toInstant() always throws an exception.

  • it's the same for JDK8 and JDK7 with JSR-310 backport

I personally use an utility class (but it is not backport-compatible):

 * Utilities for conversion between the old and new JDK date types 
 * (between {@code java.util.Date} and {@code java.time.*}).
 * <p>
 * All methods are null-safe.
public class DateConvertUtils {

     * Calls {@link #asLocalDate(Date, ZoneId)} with the system default time zone.
    public static LocalDate asLocalDate(java.util.Date date) {
        return asLocalDate(date, ZoneId.systemDefault());

     * Creates {@link LocalDate} from {@code java.util.Date} or it's subclasses. Null-safe.
    public static LocalDate asLocalDate(java.util.Date date, ZoneId zone) {
        if (date == null)
            return null;

        if (date instanceof java.sql.Date)
            return ((java.sql.Date) date).toLocalDate();
            return Instant.ofEpochMilli(date.getTime()).atZone(zone).toLocalDate();

     * Calls {@link #asLocalDateTime(Date, ZoneId)} with the system default time zone.
    public static LocalDateTime asLocalDateTime(java.util.Date date) {
        return asLocalDateTime(date, ZoneId.systemDefault());

     * Creates {@link LocalDateTime} from {@code java.util.Date} or it's subclasses. Null-safe.
    public static LocalDateTime asLocalDateTime(java.util.Date date, ZoneId zone) {
        if (date == null)
            return null;

        if (date instanceof java.sql.Timestamp)
            return ((java.sql.Timestamp) date).toLocalDateTime();
            return Instant.ofEpochMilli(date.getTime()).atZone(zone).toLocalDateTime();

     * Calls {@link #asUtilDate(Object, ZoneId)} with the system default time zone.
    public static java.util.Date asUtilDate(Object date) {
        return asUtilDate(date, ZoneId.systemDefault());

     * Creates a {@link java.util.Date} from various date objects. Is null-safe. Currently supports:<ul>
     * <li>{@link java.util.Date}
     * <li>{@link java.sql.Date}
     * <li>{@link java.sql.Timestamp}
     * <li>{@link java.time.LocalDate}
     * <li>{@link java.time.LocalDateTime}
     * <li>{@link java.time.ZonedDateTime}
     * <li>{@link java.time.Instant}
     * </ul>
     * @param zone Time zone, used only if the input object is LocalDate or LocalDateTime.
     * @return {@link java.util.Date} (exactly this class, not a subclass, such as java.sql.Date)
    public static java.util.Date asUtilDate(Object date, ZoneId zone) {
        if (date == null)
            return null;

        if (date instanceof java.sql.Date || date instanceof java.sql.Timestamp)
            return new java.util.Date(((java.util.Date) date).getTime());
        if (date instanceof java.util.Date)
            return (java.util.Date) date;
        if (date instanceof LocalDate)
            return java.util.Date.from(((LocalDate) date).atStartOfDay(zone).toInstant());
        if (date instanceof LocalDateTime)
            return java.util.Date.from(((LocalDateTime) date).atZone(zone).toInstant());
        if (date instanceof ZonedDateTime)
            return java.util.Date.from(((ZonedDateTime) date).toInstant());
        if (date instanceof Instant)
            return java.util.Date.from((Instant) date);

        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Don't know hot to convert " + date.getClass().getName() + " to java.util.Date");

     * Creates an {@link Instant} from {@code java.util.Date} or it's subclasses. Null-safe.
    public static Instant asInstant(Date date) {
        if (date == null)
            return null;
            return Instant.ofEpochMilli(date.getTime());

     * Calls {@link #asZonedDateTime(Date, ZoneId)} with the system default time zone.
    public static ZonedDateTime asZonedDateTime(Date date) {
        return asZonedDateTime(date, ZoneId.systemDefault());

     * Creates {@link ZonedDateTime} from {@code java.util.Date} or it's subclasses. Null-safe.
    public static ZonedDateTime asZonedDateTime(Date date, ZoneId zone) {
        if (date == null)
            return null;
            return asInstant(date).atZone(zone);


The asLocalDate() method here is null-safe, uses toLocalDate(), if input is java.sql.Date (it may be overriden by the JDBC driver to avoid timezone problems or unnecessary calculations), otherwise uses the abovementioned method.

What's wrong with this 1 simple line?

new LocalDateTime(new Date().getTime()).toLocalDate();

If you're using Java 8, @JodaStephen's answer is obviously the best. However, if you're working with the JSR-310 backport, you unfortunately have to do something like this:

Date input = new Date();
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR),
        cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1,

LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.parse( new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(date) );

public static LocalDate Date2LocalDate(Date date) {
        return LocalDate.parse(date.toString(), DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy"))

this format is from Date#tostring

    public String toString() {
        // "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy";
        BaseCalendar.Date date = normalize();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(28);
        int index = date.getDayOfWeek();
        if (index == BaseCalendar.SUNDAY) {
            index = 8;
        convertToAbbr(sb, wtb[index]).append(' ');                        // EEE
        convertToAbbr(sb, wtb[date.getMonth() - 1 + 2 + 7]).append(' ');  // MMM
        CalendarUtils.sprintf0d(sb, date.getDayOfMonth(), 2).append(' '); // dd

        CalendarUtils.sprintf0d(sb, date.getHours(), 2).append(':');   // HH
        CalendarUtils.sprintf0d(sb, date.getMinutes(), 2).append(':'); // mm
        CalendarUtils.sprintf0d(sb, date.getSeconds(), 2).append(' '); // ss
        TimeZone zi = date.getZone();
        if (zi != null) {
            sb.append(zi.getDisplayName(date.isDaylightTime(), TimeZone.SHORT, Locale.US)); // zzz
        } else {
        sb.append(' ').append(date.getYear());  // yyyy
        return sb.toString();

I solved this question with solution below

  import org.joda.time.LocalDate;
  Date myDate = new Date();
  LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.fromDateFields(myDate);
  System.out.println("My date using Date" Nov 18 11:23:33 BRST 2016);
  System.out.println("My date using joda.time LocalTime" 2016-11-18);

In this case localDate print your date in this format "yyyy-MM-dd"

LocalDate ld = new java.sql.Date( new java.util.Date().getTime() ).toLocalDate();

Date input = new Date();
LocalDateTime  conv=LocalDateTime.ofInstant(input.toInstant(), ZoneId.systemDefault());
LocalDate convDate=conv.toLocalDate();

The Date instance does contain time too along with the date while LocalDate doesn't. So you can firstly convert it into LocalDateTime using its method ofInstant() then if you want it without time then convert the instance into LocalDate.

first, it's easy to convert a Date to an Instant

Instant timestamp = new Date().toInstant(); 

Then, you can convert the Instant to any date api in jdk 8 using ofInstant() method:

LocalDateTime date = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(timestamp, ZoneId.systemDefault()); 

I have had problems with @JodaStephen's implementation on JBoss EAP 6. So, I rewrote the conversion following Oracle's Java Tutorial in http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/datetime/iso/legacy.html.

    Date input = new Date();
    GregorianCalendar gregorianCalendar = (GregorianCalendar) Calendar.getInstance();
    ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime = gregorianCalendar.toZonedDateTime();

If you are using ThreeTen Backport including ThreeTenABP

    Date input = new Date(); // Imagine your Date here
    LocalDate date = DateTimeUtils.toInstant(input)

If you are using the backport of JSR 310, either you haven’t got a Date.toInstant() method or it won’t give you the org.threeten.bp.Instant that you need for you further conversion. Instead you need to use the DateTimeUtils class that comes as part of the backport. The remainder of the conversion is the same, so so is the explanation.

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