[mysql] MySQL combine two columns into one column

I'm trying to find a way to combine two columns into one, but keep getting the value '0' in the column instead to the combination of the words.

These are what I've tried as well as others:

SELECT column1 + column2 AS column3
FROM table;

SELECT column1 || column2 AS column3
FROM table;

SELECT column1 + ' ' + column2 AS column3
FROM table;

Could someone please let me know what I'm doing wrong?

This question is related to mysql sql

The answer is


| column1 | column2 |
|   abc   |   xyz   |

In Oracle:

SELECT column1 || column2 AS column3
FROM table_name;



| column3           |
| abcxyz            |

If you want to put ',' or '.' or any string within two column data then you may use:

SELECT column1 || '.' || column2 AS column3
FROM table_name;



| column3           |
| abc.xyz           |

It's work for me

SELECT CONCAT(column1, ' ' ,column2) AS newColumn;

If you are Working On Oracle Then:

SELECT column1 || column2 AS column3
FROM table;


If You Are Working On MySql Then:

SELECT Concat(column1 ,column2) AS column3
FROM table;

SELECT Collumn1 + ' - ' + Collumn2 AS 'FullName' FROM TableName                              

Try this, it works for me

select (column1 || ' '|| column2) from table;

I have used this way and Its a best forever. In this code null also handled

ISNULL(Title,'') + ' ' + ISNULL(FirstName,'') + ' ' + ISNULL(LastName,'') as FullName 
FROM Customer

Try this...

For the MySQL fans out there, I like the IFNULL() function. Other answers here suggest similar functionality with the ISNULL() function in some implementations. In my situation, I have a column of descriptions which is NOT NULL, and a column of serial numbers which may be NULL This is how I combined them into one column:

SELECT CONCAT(description,IFNULL(' SN: ', serial_number),'')) FROM my_table;

My results suggest that the results of concatenating a string with NULL results in a NULL. I have been getting the alternative value in those cases.

This is the only solution that would work for me, when I required a space in between the columns being merged.

select concat(concat(column1,' '), column2)

convert(varchar, column_name1) + (varchar, column_name)