[json] Postgres: How to convert a json string to text?

Json value may consist of a string value. eg.:

postgres=# SELECT to_json('Some "text"'::TEXT);
 "Some \"text\""

How can I extract that string as a postgres text value?

::TEXT doesn't work. It returns quoted json, not the original string:

postgres=# SELECT to_json('Some "text"'::TEXT)::TEXT;
 "Some \"text\""


P.S. I'm using PostgreSQL 9.3

This question is related to json postgresql

The answer is

->> works for me.

postgres version:



select object_details->'valuationDate' as asofJson, object_details->>'valuationDate' as asofText from MyJsonbTable;


  asofJson       asofText
"2020-06-26"    2020-06-26
"2020-06-25"    2020-06-25
"2020-06-25"    2020-06-25
"2020-06-25"    2020-06-25

Mr. Curious was curious about this as well. In addition to the #>> '{}' operator, in 9.6+ one can get the value of a jsonb string with the ->> operator:

select to_jsonb('Some "text"'::TEXT)->>0;
 Some "text"
(1 row)

If one has a json value, then the solution is to cast into jsonb first:

select to_json('Some "text"'::TEXT)::jsonb->>0;
 Some "text"
(1 row)

In 9.4.4 using the #>> operator works for me:

select to_json('test'::text) #>> '{}';

To use with a table column:

select jsoncol #>> '{}' from mytable;

An easy way of doing this:

SELECT  ('[' || to_json('Some "text"'::TEXT) || ']')::json ->> 0;

Just convert the json string into a json list