[python] Create PDF from a list of images

It's not a truly new answer, but - when using img2pdf the page size didn't come out right. So here's what I did to use the image size, I hope it finds someone well:

assuming 1) all images are the same size, 2) placing one image per page, 3) image fills the whole page

from PIL import Image
import img2pdf

with open( 'output.pdf', 'wb' ) as f:
    img = Image.open( '1.jpg' )
    my_layout_fun = img2pdf.get_layout_fun(
        pagesize = ( img2pdf.px_to_pt( img.width, 96 ), img2pdf.px_to_pt( img.height, 96 ) ), # this is where image size is used; 96 is dpi value
        fit = img2pdf.FitMode.into # I didn't have to specify this, but just in case...
    f.write( img2pdf.convert( [ '1.jpg', '2.jpg', '3.jpg' ], layout_fun = my_layout_fun ))