Swift4 Code
Try this some new extension methods:
import UIKit
extension UIView {
fileprivate struct AssociatedObjectKeys {
static var tapGestureRecognizer = "MediaViewerAssociatedObjectKey_mediaViewer"
fileprivate typealias Action = (() -> Void)?
fileprivate var tapGestureRecognizerAction: Action? {
set {
if let newValue = newValue {
// Computed properties get stored as associated objects
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedObjectKeys.tapGestureRecognizer, newValue, objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)
get {
let tapGestureRecognizerActionInstance = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedObjectKeys.tapGestureRecognizer) as? Action
return tapGestureRecognizerActionInstance
public func addTapGestureRecognizer(action: (() -> Void)?) {
self.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
self.tapGestureRecognizerAction = action
let tapGestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleTapGesture))
@objc fileprivate func handleTapGesture(sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
if let action = self.tapGestureRecognizerAction {
} else {
print("no action")
Now whenever we want to add a UITapGestureRecognizer
to a UIView
or UIView
subclass like UIImageView
, we can do so without creating associated functions for selectors!
profile_ImageView.addTapGestureRecognizer {
print("image tapped")