[python] What's the best way to parse command line arguments?

Argparse code can be longer than actual implementation code!

That's a problem I find with most popular argument parsing options is that if your parameters are only modest, the code to document them becomes disproportionately large to the benefit they provide.

A relative new-comer to the argument parsing scene (I think) is plac.

It makes some acknowledged trade-offs with argparse, but uses inline documentation and wraps simply around main() type function function:

def main(excel_file_path: "Path to input training file.",
     excel_sheet_name:"Name of the excel sheet containing training data including columns 'Label' and 'Description'.",
     existing_model_path: "Path to an existing model to refine."=None,
     batch_size_start: "The smallest size of any minibatch."=10.,
     batch_size_stop:  "The largest size of any minibatch."=250.,
     batch_size_step:  "The step for increase in minibatch size."=1.002,
     batch_test_steps: "Flag.  If True, show minibatch steps."=False):
"Train a Spacy (http://spacy.io/) text classification model with gold document and label data until the model nears convergence (LOSS < 0.5)."

    pass # Implementation code goes here!

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import plac; plac.call(main)

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