Here's a method, not a library, which seems to work for me.
The goals here are to be terse, each argument parsed by a single line, the args line up for readability, the code is simple and doesn't depend on any special modules (only os + sys), warns about missing or unknown arguments gracefully, use a simple for/range() loop, and works across python 2.x and 3.x
Shown are two toggle flags (-d, -v), and two values controlled by arguments (-i xxx and -o xxx).
import os,sys
def HelpAndExit():
print("<<your help output goes here>>")
def Fatal(msg):
sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), msg))
def NextArg(i):
'''Return the next command line argument (if there is one)'''
if ((i+1) >= len(sys.argv)):
Fatal("'%s' expected an argument" % sys.argv[i])
return(1, sys.argv[i+1])
### MAIN
if __name__=='__main__':
verbose = 0
debug = 0
infile = "infile"
outfile = "outfile"
# Parse command line
skip = 0
for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)):
if not skip:
if sys.argv[i][:2] == "-d": debug ^= 1
elif sys.argv[i][:2] == "-v": verbose ^= 1
elif sys.argv[i][:2] == "-i": (skip,infile) = NextArg(i)
elif sys.argv[i][:2] == "-o": (skip,outfile) = NextArg(i)
elif sys.argv[i][:2] == "-h": HelpAndExit()
elif sys.argv[i][:1] == "-": Fatal("'%s' unknown argument" % sys.argv[i])
else: Fatal("'%s' unexpected" % sys.argv[i])
else: skip = 0
print("%d,%d,%s,%s" % (debug,verbose,infile,outfile))
The goal of NextArg() is to return the next argument while checking for missing data, and 'skip' skips the loop when NextArg() is used, keeping the flag parsing down to one liners.