[c#] ProcessStartInfo hanging on "WaitForExit"? Why?

I think with async, it is possible to have a more elegant solution and not having deadlocks even when using both standardOutput and standardError:

using (Process process = new Process())
    process.StartInfo.FileName = filename;
    process.StartInfo.Arguments = arguments;
    process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
    process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
    process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;


    var tStandardOutput = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEndAsync();
    var tStandardError = process.StandardError.ReadToEndAsync();

    if (process.WaitForExit(timeout))
        string output = await tStandardOutput;
        string errors = await tStandardError;

        // Process completed. Check process.ExitCode here.
        // Timed out.

It is base on Mark Byers answer. If you are not in an async method, you can use string output = tStandardOutput.result; instead of await