This is high-level solution, no need to reinvent. Quick and dirty!
1) First, go to and download latest Apache Ant binary. (nowadays,
2) Extract the downloaded file and find the JAR ant-jsch.jar ("apache-ant-1.9.4/lib/ant-jsch.jar"). Add this JAR in your project. Also ant-launcher.jar and ant.jar.
3) Go to Jcraft jsch SouceForge Project and download the jar. Nowadays, jsch-0.1.52.jar. Also Add this JAR in your project.
Now, can you easyly use into java code the Ant Classes Scp for copy files over network or SSHExec for commands in SSH servers.
4) Code Example Scp:
// This make scp copy of
// one local file to remote dir scp = new Scp();
int portSSH = 22;
String srvrSSH = "ssh.your.domain";
String userSSH = "anyuser";
String pswdSSH = new String ( jPasswordField1.getPassword() );
String localFile = "C:\\localfile.txt";
String remoteDir = "/uploads/";
scp.setPort( portSSH );
scp.setLocalFile( localFile );
scp.setTodir( userSSH + ":" + pswdSSH + "@" + srvrSSH + ":" + remoteDir );
scp.setProject( new Project() );
scp.setTrust( true );