[java] com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: UnknownHostKey

While the question has been answered in general, I've found myself that there's a case when even existing known_hosts entry doesn't help. This happens when an SSH server sends ECDSA fingerprint and as a result, you'll have an entry like this:

|1|+HASH=|HASH= ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 FINGERPRINT=

The problem is that JSch prefers SHA_RSA and while connecting it will try to compare SHA-RSA fingerprint, which will result with error about "unknown host".

To fix this simply run:

$ ssh-keyscan -H -t rsa example.org >> known_hosts

or complain to Jcraft about prefering SHA_RSA instead of using the local HostKeyAlgorithms setting, although they don't seem to be too eager to fix their bugs.