There are no provisions in C++ to test for the validity of a pointer as a general case. One can obviously assume that NULL (0x00000000) is bad, and various compilers and libraries like to use "special values" here and there to make debugging easier (For example, if I ever see a pointer show up as 0xCECECECE in visual studio I know I did something wrong) but the truth is that since a pointer is just an index into memory it's near impossible to tell just by looking at the pointer if it's the "right" index.
There are various tricks that you can do with dynamic_cast and RTTI such to ensure that the object pointed to is of the type that you want, but they all require that you are pointing to something valid in the first place.
If you want to ensure that you program can detect "invalid" pointers then my advice is this: Set every pointer you declare either to NULL or a valid address immediately upon creation and set it to NULL immediately after freeing the memory that it points to. If you are diligent about this practice, then checking for NULL is all you ever need.