[ruby-on-rails] How do I validate a date in rails?

I want to validate a date in my model in Ruby on Rails, however, the day, month and year values are already converted into an incorrect date by the time they reach my model.

For example, if I enter February 31st 2009 in my view, when I use Model.new(params[:model]) in my controller, it converts it to "March 3rd 2009", which my model then sees as a valid date, which it is, but it is incorrect.

I would like to be able to do this validation in my model. Is there any way that I can, or am I going about this completely wrong?

I found this "Date validation" that discusses the problem but it never was resolved.

This question is related to ruby-on-rails ruby validation date

The answer is

Here's a non-chronic answer..

class Pimping < ActiveRecord::Base

validate :valid_date?

def valid_date?
  if scheduled_on.present?
    unless scheduled_on.is_a?(Time)
      errors.add(:scheduled_on, "Is an invalid date.")

You can validate the date and time like so (in a method somewhere in your controller with access to your params if you are using custom selects) ...

# Set parameters
year = params[:date][:year].to_i
month = params[:date][:month].to_i
mday = params[:date][:mday].to_i
hour = params[:date][:hour].to_i
minute = params[:date][:minute].to_i

# Validate date, time and hour
valid_date    = Date.valid_date? year, month, mday
valid_hour    = (0..23).to_a.include? hour
valid_minute  = (0..59).to_a.include? minute
valid_time    = valid_hour && valid_minute

# Check if parameters are valid and generate appropriate date
if valid_date && valid_time
  second = 0
  offset = '0'
  DateTime.civil(year, month, mday, hour, minute, second, offset)
  # Some fallback if you want like ...

Using the chronic gem:

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
  validate :valid_date?

  def valid_date?
    unless Chronic.parse(from_date)
      errors.add(:from_date, "is missing or invalid")


Active Record gives you _before_type_cast attributes which contain the raw attribute data before typecasting. This can be useful for returning error messages with pre-typecast values or just doing validations that aren't possible after typecast.

I would shy away from Daniel Von Fange's suggestion of overriding the accessor, because doing validation in an accessor changes the accessor contract slightly. Active Record has a feature explicitly for this situation. Use it.

Have you tried the validates_date_time plug-in?

Since you need to handle the date string before it is converted to a date in your model, I'd override the accessor for that field

Let's say your date field is published_date. Add this to your model object:

def published_date=(value)
    # do sanity checking here
    # then hand it back to rails to convert and store
    self.write_attribute(:published_date, value) 

A bit late here, but thanks to "How do I validate a date in rails?" I managed to write this validator, hope is useful to somebody:

Inside your model.rb

validate :date_field_must_be_a_date_or_blank

# If your field is called :date_field, use :date_field_before_type_cast
def date_field_must_be_a_date_or_blank
rescue ArgumentError
  errors.add(:birthday, :invalid)

If you want Rails 3 or Ruby 1.9 compatibility try the date_validator gem.

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