[javascript] Generating PDF files with JavaScript

I maintain PDFKit, which also powers pdfmake (already mentioned here). It works in both Node and the browser, and supports a bunch of stuff that other libraries do not:

  • Embedding subsetted fonts, with support for unicode.
  • Lots of advanced text layout stuff (columns, page breaking, full unicode line breaking, basic rich text, etc.).
  • Working on even more font stuff for advanced typography (OpenType/AAT ligatures, contextual substitution, etc.). Coming soon: see the fontkit branch if you're interested.
  • More graphics stuff: gradients, etc.
  • Built with modern tools like browserify and streams. Usable both in the browser and node.

Check out http://pdfkit.org/ for a full tutorial to see for yourself what PDFKit can do. And for an example of what kinds of documents can be produced, check out the docs as a PDF generated from some Markdown files using PDFKit itself: http://pdfkit.org/docs/guide.pdf.

You can also try it out interactively in the browser here: http://pdfkit.org/demo/browser.html.