[php] How do I remove accents from characters in a PHP string?

You could use urlencode. Does not quite do what you want (remove accents), but will give you a url usable string

$output = urlencode ($input);

In Perl I could use a translate regex, but I cannot think of the PHP equivalent

$input =~ tr/áâàå/aaaa/;


you could do this using preg_replace

$patterns[0] = '/[á|â|à|å|ä]/';
$patterns[1] = '/[ð|é|ê|è|ë]/';
$patterns[2] = '/[í|î|ì|ï]/';
$patterns[3] = '/[ó|ô|ò|ø|õ|ö]/';
$patterns[4] = '/[ú|û|ù|ü]/';
$patterns[5] = '/æ/';
$patterns[6] = '/ç/';
$patterns[7] = '/ß/';
$replacements[0] = 'a';
$replacements[1] = 'e';
$replacements[2] = 'i';
$replacements[3] = 'o';
$replacements[4] = 'u';
$replacements[5] = 'ae';
$replacements[6] = 'c';
$replacements[7] = 'ss';

$output = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $input);

(Please note this was typed from a foggy beer ridden Friday after noon memory, so may not be 100% correct)

or you could make a hash table and do a replacement based off of that.