Based on the solution of the Jordan, I created a function that automatically creates a hidden input with the same name and same value of the select you want to become invalid. The first parameter can be an id or a jquery element; the second is a Boolean optional parameter where "true" disables and "false" enables the input. If omitted, the second parameter switches the select between "enabled" and "disabled".
function changeSelectUserManipulation(obj, disable){
var $obj = ( typeof obj === 'string' )? $('#'+obj) : obj;
disable = disable? !!disable : !$':disabled');
$obj.prop('disabled', true)
.after("<input type='hidden' id='select_user_manipulation_hidden_"+$obj.attr('id')+"' name='"+$obj.attr('name')+"' value='"+$obj.val()+"'>");
$obj.prop('disabled', false)