[git] Set up git to pull and push all branches

I'd like to push and pull all the branches by default, including the newly created ones.

Is there a setting that I can define for it?

Otherwise, when I add a new branch, locally and I want to pull it from the server, what is the simplest way to do it?

I created a new branch with the same name and tried to pull but it doesn't work. Asks me for all the remote config of the branch. How do I set it.

This question is related to git version-control branch push

The answer is

If you are pushing from one remote origin to another, you can use this:

git push newremote refs/remotes/oldremote/*:refs/heads/*

This worked for me. Reffer to this: https://www.metaltoad.com/blog/git-push-all-branches-new-remote

Solution without hardcoding origin in config

Use the following in your global gitconfig

    push = +refs/heads/*
    push = +refs/tags/*

This pushes all branches and all tags

Why should you NOT hardcode origin in config?

If you hardcode:

  1. You'll end up with origin as a remote in all repos. So you'll not be able to add origin, but you need to use set-url.
  2. If a tool creates a remote with a different name push all config will not apply. Then you'll have to rename the remote, but rename will not work because origin already exists (from point 1) remember :)

Fetching is taken care of already by modern git

As per Jakub Narebski's answer:

With modern git you always fetch all branches (as remote-tracking branches into refs/remotes/origin/* namespace

If you are moving branches to a new repo from an old one and do NOT have all the old repo branches local, you will need to track them first.

for remote in `git branch -r | grep -v '\->'`; do git branch --track $remote; done

Then add your new remote repo:

git remote add bb <path-to-new-repo>

Then you can push all using this command:

git push -u bb --all

Or you can configure the repo using the git config commands noted in the other responses here if you are not doing this one time or are only looking to move local branches.

The important point, the other responses only push all LOCAL branches. If the branches only exist on an alternate REMOTE repository they will not move without tracking them first. The for loop presented here will help with that.

The full procedure that worked for me to transfer ALL branches and tags is, combining the answers of @vikas027 and @kumarahul:

~$ git clone <url_of_old_repo>
~$ cd <name_of_old_repo>
~$ git remote add new-origin <url_of_new_repo>
~$ git push new-origin --mirror
~$ git push new-origin refs/remotes/origin/*:refs/heads/*
~$ git push new-origin --delete HEAD

The last step is because a branch named HEAD appears in the new remote due to the wildcard

With modern git you always fetch all branches (as remote-tracking branches into refs/remotes/origin/* namespace, visible with git branch -r or git remote show origin).

By default (see documentation of push.default config variable) you push matching branches, which means that first you have to do git push origin branch for git to push it always on git push.

If you want to always push all branches, you can set up push refspec. Assuming that the remote is named origin you can either use git config:

$ git config --add remote.origin.push '+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*'
$ git config --add remote.origin.push '+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*'

or directly edit .git/config file to have something like the following:

[remote "origin"]
        url = [email protected]:/srv/git/repo.git
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
        fetch = +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*
        push  = +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
        push  = +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*

To see all the branches with out using git branch -a you should execute:

for remote in `git branch -r`; do git branch --track $remote; done
git fetch --all
git pull --all

Now you can see all the branches:

git branch

To push all the branches try:

git push --all

Including the + in the push spec is probably a bad idea, as it means that git will happily do a non-fast-forward push even without -f, and if the remote server is set up to accept those, you can lose history.

Try just this:

$ git config --add remote.origin.push 'refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*'
$ git config --add remote.origin.push 'refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*'
$ git config --add remote.origin.fetch 'refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*'
$ git config --add remote.origin.fetch 'refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*'

If you are moving all branches to a new repo from an old one then in your local repo you need to set up tracking of each branch to existing origin branches, before pushing to the new repo, otherwise all your origin branches won’t appear in the new origin. Do this manually by tracking or checking out each branch, or use the one liner:

for remote in `git branch -r | grep -v '\->' | grep -v master`; do git branch --track `echo $remote|sed 's=origin/=='` `echo $remote`; done

This one line command is based on versions of it in other answers on this page, but is arguably better because:

  1. it correctly sets up the branch tracking, unlike some older variants of this command on this page which only supply one parameter to --track and thus each branch ends up tracking master - not good
  2. names the local branches without the prefix “origin/” which I personally don’t want - and is consistent with what happens when you checkout a branch normally.
  3. skips tracking master since that is already happening
  4. doesn’t actually checkout anything thus is fast
  5. avoids stumbling over the -> in the output of git branch -r

Next, if you are switching origins, replace the link to the old origin and point to a new remote. Ensure you create the new remote first, using bitbucket/github GUI, but don’t add any files to it or there will be a merge problem. E.g.

git remote set-url origin [email protected]:YOUR/SOMEREPO.git

Now push. Note the second command is needed to push the tags as well:

git push -u --all origin
git push --tags origin

I had used below commands to migrate all branches to the new repository.

~$ git clone --mirror <url_of_old_repo>
~$ cd <name_of_old_repo>
~$ git remote add new-origin <url_of_new_repo>
~$ git push new-origin master
~$ git push new-origin --mirror

NOTE: I had to use second last (i.e. push master first) command while cloning a repo from Atlassian Stash to AWS CodeCommit (blank repo). I am not sure the reason, but after pushing (git push new-origin --mirror) default branch was referring to some other branch than master.

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