The accepted answer seems to be to convert to cells first and then use cellfun
to operate over all of the cells. I do not know the specific application, but in general I would think using bsxfun
to operate over the matrix would be more efficient. Basically bsxfun
applies an operation element-by-element across two arrays. So if you wanted to multiply each item in an n x 1
vector by each item in an m x 1
vector to get an n x m
array, you could use:
vec1 = [ stuff ]; % n x 1 vector
vec2 = [ stuff ]; % m x 1 vector
result = bsxfun('times', vec1.', vec2);
This will give you matrix called result
wherein the (i, j) entry will be the ith element of vec1
multiplied by the jth element of vec2
You can use bsxfun
for all sorts of built-in functions, and you can declare your own. The documentation has a list of many built-in functions, but basically you can name any function that accepts two arrays (vector or matrix) as arguments and get it to work.