Building on Alex's answer, here is a more generic function:
applyToGivenRow = @(func, matrix) @(row) func(matrix(row, :));
newApplyToRows = @(func, matrix) arrayfun(applyToGivenRow(func, matrix), 1:size(matrix,1), 'UniformOutput', false)';
takeAll = @(x) reshape([x{:}], size(x{1},2), size(x,1))';
genericApplyToRows = @(func, matrix) takeAll(newApplyToRows(func, matrix));
Here is a comparison between the two functions:
>> % Example
myMx = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];
myFunc = @(x) [mean(x), std(x), sum(x), length(x)];
>> genericApplyToRows(myFunc, myMx)
ans =
2 1 6 3
5 1 15 3
8 1 24 3
>> applyToRows(myFunc, myMx)
??? Error using ==> arrayfun
Non-scalar in Uniform output, at index 1, output 1.
Set 'UniformOutput' to false.
Error in ==> @(func,matrix)arrayfun(applyToGivenRow(func,matrix),1:size(matrix,1))'