[android] AndroidStudio SDK directory does not exists

I am using Android Studio for a project on SVN (usually on Windows PCs).

Lately I want to run this on a Mac, it keep giving the below error:

Error:The SDK directory '/Users/AhmadMusa/Desktop/[PROJECT PATH]/D:\Android\sdk' does not exist.
Please fix the 'sdk.dir' property in the local.properties file.

I already put the SDK on local.properties file as:


I don't know why it keep adding the (D:\Android\sdk) automatically, this is my Windows PC SDK directory, but why it is here now! nothing on code mention any D:\Android\sdk.

This question is related to android android-studio

The answer is

Right click your project and select 'Open Module Settings' under SDK Location put your location for your SDK.

paste in /Users/AhmadMusa/Library/Android/sdk

Clean and rebuild your project


Try to delete your local.properties file and create a new one, but do not check it into version control.

Right click top level of project and Create new file 'local.properties' then add: sdk.dir=/Users/AhmadMusa/Library/Android/sdk

Clean and build

I had the same problem. Just open the project main folder. and then close and reopen the project sub folder app.

Create or edit file local.properties under android directory

For window path should be like this

sdk.dir = C\:\\Users\\user name\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\sdk

For linux system path should be like this

sdk.dir = /home/user name/Android/Sdk/

I solved this issue in Windows using this format for the full path:


If you have set the ANDROID_HOME variable, just remove or comment that line in local.properties file. It is the solution for me

From Android Studio 1.0.1

Go to

File -> project Structure into Project Structure Left -> SDK Location SDK location select Android SDK location (old version use Press +, add another sdk) Change the sdk path to /Users/AhmadMusa/Library/Android/sdk

I had a ; in the environment variable name, put it out and it will works !

  • refollow the steps after the verification of the ANDROID_HOME
  • react init
  • => run you emulator
  • => run-android

If your project is a subproject, the problem may lie on the parent local.properties file. I may suggest you to go up in the project hierarchy to the root file and execute the following command:

$ find . -type f -exec grep -l sdk.dir {} \;

That would work on OSX and Linux, if you are in Windows you may need to install Cygnus tools or something akin (I don't use Windows, so I cannot be more precise). If the path is wrongly set in some file, you'll find it with that command, then it is just a matter of opening the file with a text editor and replacing the wrong path with the right one.

  • Select SDK Location: File->Project Structure->SDK Location->
  • Close Android Studio.
  • Remove .gradle and .idea folders, local.properties, all .iml files in the project: <module_name>/<module_name>.iml
  • Open Android Studio and select Open an existing Android Studio project
  • Select path to your project

This way must to help.

  1. Open your project folder
  2. open local.properties in notepad++
  3. change sdk.dir to C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
  4. save

After edit, resync again android studio.

I faced the same problem - it was solved by only the following step. I deleted all created .idea and .gradle folders. It is the path problem I faced while loading source in SDK, I think.

I think you should go to:

File ->Project Structure->SDK Location->

there select your sdk location.

This might due to merge conflict same as mine, try to change local.properties for me it was wrong location for android sdk as it was override from other machine ndk.dir=/Users/???/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle sdk.dir=/Users/???/Library/Android/sdk

then rebuild

This is a problem when you open the project incorrectly. open the project do not import the project

Checkout your SDK manager in Android studio, if you have partially installed sdk. Install SDK completely and try running your code.

I solve this problem, the reason is: You downloaded other's projects. His local.properties file content is his SDK path. You must replace SDK path with your local SDK path, then rebuild the project.

In my case, my project is located inside another Android project. Therefore, I opened the local.properties of the parent project and fix the sdk.dir's path there.

I finally find this file on the disk.The 'local.properties' file in The Android studio is not which you modify.see the picture,so you can modify this line 'sdk.dir' to your dir of sdk.Remember not in the android studio. enter image description here

My scenario is I open the project, and the local.properies shows my sdk.dir. But it keeps telling me it need the sdk from the previous other user's dir.

So I close the project and re-import the project, and everything works fine.

My solution: open app on Android studio.

Check sdk and clean App, after rebuild I had fixed this problem by following suggestions of Android Studio. finally run app with react-native run-android/ios

  1. Go to your project_folder/platform/android/
  2. Open local.properties in your text editor
  3. Change URL with your SDK URL sdk.dir = C:\Users/Pcesolutions/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk
  4. Now run your command in windows

Its worked for me. I think, it work's also in your PC.

in latest Android Sudio 3.2.1

1- you will see two files with the name 'local.properties'

2- one will be inside folder named 'app' ( app level folder ), Only if you have not yet been able to sync your project. if you cant see it in the folder strucrure in Android studio then physically find this folder in Finder . (right click and reveal in finder in case you use a MAC machine). Make changes here.

3- and other will be inside 'gradle script' make sure you have same path there . Also make changes here (if you can see this file)

Basically find this file at its physical location in the project folder (physical location ) and make changes

eg. : sdk.dir=/Users/Rakesh/Library/Android/sdk

in both the files .

Just close your project and re-open it again. Than SDK message appears click ok.

Choose one of the options- OPTION A

  1. Delete the 'local.properties' file in 'Gradle Script'
  2. Create new 'local.properties' file there
  3. Paste this into your new 'local.properties' file sdk.dir=/Users/uttam/Library/Android/sdk


  1. copy the 'local.properties' file from your any old project.
  2. paste this in your new project, you will be asked confirmation, choose 'replace'


sdk.dir didn't work for me because I had ANDROID_HOME environment variable with wrong path. So, solution is just to update ANDROID_HOME or remove it to use local.properties.
Android Studio restart is required after the change.

Today upgraded to Android 3.3, which broke everything for me.

This one was related to importing the project, not opening it.

Solution which worked for me, was to import the project. During the import it detects that the SDK directory is missing and proposes to open it from a location which actually exists. It worked in my case but your case might be different.

Many other changes still needed to be done to make old projects work. What a pain any update is. I wonder why don't they do a thorough QA first before releasing these updates. It has become an industry norm to release problem filled software, probably thinking that users will figure out solutions via Stackoverflow.

Just open your local.property file

if your project is used in mac before, so the sdk path will be something like sdk.dir=/Users/siddharthyadav/Library/Android/

Now if you are trying to use that in windows so just edit and put your sdk location: Example: sdk.dir=D:\software\android-sdk\android-sdk

Just clean and build. See it works!!!