[sql] How to select the last record from MySQL table using SQL syntax

I have a table with several records. There is an id field. I would like to select the record with the most recent id (i.e. the highest id).

Any ideas?

This question is related to sql mysql

The answer is

SELECT * FROM your_table ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0, 1

The ASC will return resultset in ascending order thereby leaving you with the latest or most recent record. The DESC counterpart will do the exact opposite. That is, return the oldest record.

FROM     table
LIMIT    0, 1

You could also do something like this:

SELECT tb1.* FROM Table tb1 WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(tb2.id) FROM Table tb2);

Its useful when you want to make some joins.

User order by with desc order:

select * from t
order by id desc
limit 1

SELECT MAX("field name") AS ("primary key") FROM ("table name")


SELECT MAX(brand) AS brandid FROM brand_tbl

I have used the following two:

1 - select id from table_name where id = (select MAX(id) from table_name)
2 - select id from table_name order by id desc limit 0, 1